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Waiting game--bloodwork in progress


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Hi everyone. I'm still profoundly exhuasted and nauseated. I've seen three of my doctors this week, and I convinced my GP to do a bunch of blood work. She ordered for a general chem panel, thyroid panel, sed rate and also iron levels. I'm supposed to call her on Monday for results.

I think she felt really bad for me. I told her about being late for work a number of times in the past few week, sleeping so much, and also sleeping at times that I normally couldn't, like through my alarm clock blaring for more than an hour, my tv on, etc. She actually put the back of her hand on my cheek as she was leaving the room--kind of a motherly thing, tipped her head and gave me that motherly "I'm worried about you" look. I almost started crying but I was actually too tired to do so.

Today I felt worse than I have in a few days. Overdid it yesterday...but didn't do all that much. Scares me about the future, but I'm trying to think positive and that "this too shall pass." At least that's what I keep telling myself so as not to be completely overwhelmed.


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