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Random Crying


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Good evening all!

Was wondering if anyone deals with this symptom. Does anyone else experience random, unprovoked crying episodes? I've had this happen too many times to count since I became symptomatic. It isn't bothersome, but I do find it strange. It's like a full on cry, but I'm not actually crying. It is more like what happens when I'm cutting an onion but without the burning sensation. I'm guessing this is some form of autonomic dysfunction. Does anyone know what this is about? It usually happens to me when I go from standing to sitting. Other than that, I don't think I can pinpoint a pattern or trigger.

I tried searching the archives but I don't know if I'm using the right term for the symptom. I tried searching "random crying" 🤣


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@JennKay do you mean crying as in sobbing, or more the teary eyes? I often get teary eyes to the point that tears are running down my cheeks when I first get up in the morning. I do believe that this has something to do with the ANS, although I have not yet pinpointed what exactly is causing it. I imagine it could be from sympathetic activation, meaning it could be part of the Fight-or-Flight response, but that is just a speculation. 

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Sometimes I start to cry when I am in bad flare, I have tremor and cry (sobb at loud), I can't control it. I read somewhere about crying attacks in POTS (dysautonomia), that this is also common. From my point of view seems like my body is crying because of everything that is happening with my body. Afterwards I feel better.

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My eyes tear up easily and I have assumed it's something related to autonomic dysfunction.  It's gotten worse with age too tho, so IDK.  It's provoked by light changes, temperature changes.  Not an emotional trigger.  However, when in a bad flare I do feel less stable emotionally--tend to have episodes of feeling anger, despair or sadness that are unpredictable.  Maybe just bc I feel so unrelentingly poorly.

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On 2/6/2023 at 2:35 PM, JennKay said:

@MikeO -- Haha! I wish that was the situation!! 

Haha i cried when watching an episode of chips and in the episode a awesome classic car was wrecked :).

Fun aside do you get a runny booger nose when your your eyes start to water? again last night started getting watery eyed, runny nose and sneezing just out of the blue. I did have a near event when blowing my nose (very orthostatic and felt like i was taking seizures). Today i am just fine.

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@MikeO -- I get emotional when watching random shows too. Been like that since I was a kid!

No, I don't remember getting a runny nose with the crying. Just the tears. 

Today I did have a weird episode though, not related to crying. I was completely fine, then out of the blue I felt super nauseous, my mouth started watering like when you are about to vomit, was pretty sure it was going to happen, then it passed. This was a first for me! I figure it is some sort of vasovagal response. I haven't been randomly nauseous like that since I was preggers and I shouldn't be preggers now! 

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13 hours ago, JennKay said:

I was completely fine, then out of the blue I felt super nauseous, my mouth started watering like when you are about to vomit, was pretty sure it was going to happen, then it passed.

Finally figured out my latest issue. I got sick again. woke up at around 2 am and hurled, then the diarrhea started in, chills and temp. 

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@Pistol -- I figured it was related. I must be in a perpetual flare! I will say that I just discovered Vitassium and that has helped tremendously with my BP. It is amazing how "normal" BP and blood flow to the brain makes you feel! Still need to figure out my other random issues I guess...

@MikeO -- on no!! My husband and I had those exact symptoms around Thanksgiving. Took us both down at the same time. Lasted about 24 hrs, but took a week for my appetite to return. Didn't eat much during that time except for bland carbs.

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10 hours ago, JennKay said:

on no!! My husband and I had those exact symptoms around Thanksgiving. Took us both down at the same time. Lasted about 24 hrs, but took a week for my appetite to return. Didn't eat much during that time except for bland carbs.

Sure this was a 24 hr bug. feeling better this morning. I did have a few close calls yesterday Haha.

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I have always had unexplained tears or random crying when I am extremely fatigued.  Sometimes, It is clearly that there is a task ahead of me that is way too much given my limitations.  But other times, I am just....crying because life is overwhelming.  So...there is usually some emotional component to it, though I would say that the emotional part is directly linked to the dysfunction in my body.

I mentioned this to my neurologist and his eyes lit up.  This was something of interest to him. In fact he wrote a paper on it: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340029523_Involuntary_emotional_expression_disorder_in_postural_tachycardia_syndrome   I am not 100% comfortable with his conclusions, but it is certainly an intriguing aspect of dysautonomia, likely demonstrating yet again how much we are of a piece--physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

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@MikeO to me it sounds like they really cant do anything RIGHT NOW and they want to let you know they got your message and they want to remind you to avoid falls at all consts by lying down as soon as you feel symptoms. That way they sort of have done what they need to when they dont know what else to do. At least that would be my interpretation. I have gotten vague messages like that as well. 

In my early years of dysautonomia I frantically saw many cardiologists. One of the first I saw frankly told me" You are going to keep passing out. You need to learn to avoid falls because your condition cannot be fixed." Just like that. I fired him and I eventually found my specialist and today I no longer pass out or take seizures. So. just because some docs give up does not mean we have to also! ( But he is right - lie down when you feel faint, no matter where you are! )

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