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Nickel-free needles?


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@supertired I would ask the infusion company about needles, they may be able to order specially made ones. I also use an infusion company for IVs and am allergic to silicon, which is in most supplies. When I asked they were able to send me silicon-free dressings. 

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14 hours ago, Pistol said:

@supertired I would ask the infusion company about needles, they may be able to order specially made ones. I also use an infusion company for IVs and am allergic to silicon, which is in most supplies. When I asked they were able to send me silicon-free dressings. 

Thanks... The infusion company hasn't actually run into this before, and they don't know if they exist and/or where to get them. I'm sort of wondering if they may exist in Europe somewhere... their standards for "nickel-fee" everything seem to exist in more places than here in the U.S. 

I was sort of hoping someone else had run into this issue and figured out how to deal with it. Anybody? 

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