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Was having my care overseen at Cleveland Clinic asked about sending in bloodwork to get levels checked due to twitching all over my body and the nurse said to get it done with a pcp and that a pcp should be taking care of my bloodwork however my doctor hasn’t had a problem in the past getting blood work sent to Michigan for me. My doctor was supposed to be checking my bloodwork while I’m on my colanor  medication. The doctor also canceled a very important virtual appointment I had scheduled three months in advance due to concerning symptoms I had. I was told a scheduler would contact me back  to reschedule. It’s been a week and I’ve heard nothing.  I’m just sick of being dismissed. Is this a normal response from doctors to patients? I’m I just being a difficult patient?

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Hello @Bailee,

Regarding the cancelled appointment – after a week of not hearing back, it seems appropriate to call and ask what is happening.

I recently had a similar experience with appointments being cancelled multiple times. Each time when I phoned to follow up it turned out that my appointment had been "lost", even though the person who cancelled it promised it would be rescheduled.

Also, I know it's hard when you aren't well, but it's a good idea to keep a diary. Always get the name and contact number of anyone who phones, and ask when you should expect any action, and make a note of it, e.g.

"Call from Fred Smith, X Clinic, appt w Dr Jones on x cancelled. Expect reschedule in one week. Call back if you haven't heard by date x."

Then make a note a week later to phone back if you haven't heard anything.


Regarding the "pass the buck" with your bloodwork ... this is a bit sneaky, but I often find that you will get a different answer from different staff members. On Monday Nurse A will tell you to get your bloodwork done with your PCP, but on Wednesday Nurse B will say "sure, send it in" and help you to arrange it. Maybe worth a try.


The admin with dealing with medical appointments can be more stressful than the disease sometimes. I hope you can get it all sorted out.

Another option is to phone the patient liaison officer (or similar). I have had great help from the one at my local hospital.

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8 hours ago, Sarah Tee said:

Another option is to phone the patient liaison officer (or similar). I have had great help from the one at my local hospital.

Yes, this is good advice! I also have had my run arounds with several offices regarding appointments and testing, especially with my PCP who is affiliated with my local hospital. When there is a serious issue ( important appts cancelled and next appt is 3 months away, seriously abnormal labs drawn on a Thursday not seen by PCP until Tuesday but the condition needed immediate treatment , consistently overcharged for copays etc ) I address it to the office manager or nurse first. If it is not fixed or explained to me then I have contacted the patient satisfaction officer of the hospital. She has to look into the complaint, address the appropriate responsible party and follow up. In my case this has led to an improvement of the two cases I reported. 

If there is no advocate in place then I would report the problem to the physician or ask for the person in charge over office affairs. You do not have to put up with behavior or policies that are hurtful to your treatment - delay in care or necessary testing is a type of negligence that the practice should account for. 

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Don't know what to say except i have run into difficulties in the past and still do. Almost all of my blood work is passed off to my PCP to monitor (i have blood work done every 6 mo) but the specialist will send him a note if anything special needs to be watched long term. 

I would call the clinic again and push up the latter as suggested. I have had appointments canceled before but the scheduler would always set up a new date right away. so your predicament does seem odd.

Keep after it. 

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