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Are You on 'High Alert'?

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Guest 12StringANSGuitar

Just thought I'd ask about how you normally feel yourself relating to the outside world's circumstances.

Have life's events, caused you constant 'Situational or Circumstantial Anxiety Issues'?

Do you always anticipate Negative Events to occur, and consequently do you feel like your body and mind are on a High Alert status?

Do you think this constant High Tension figures into the equation of your ANS problems; like the tension won't allow things to default back to normal?



Guest GayleP

I'm often overly vigilant and on high alert. Not a good state to be in. I was much more laid back before I got sick.


When i don't feel well (dizzy, confused...having symptoms in general) AND i'm in public, I'm definitely on high alert. (Looking for a soft place to land :blink: ) Also, I feel on alert if i'm having symptoms and i'm with someone who doesn't know what to do with me if i faint (someone who might not completely understand what's wrong with me).

However if i'm having a good day, with someone in tune, or i'm safe at home then i don't really think about it too much. I only go on alert if my body upgrades from "normal" to "caution" and i don't have a way to deal with it properly if things get worse.

More often than not i'm pretty laid back about trying to do different activities (not held back by fear)....I like to be as independent as possible. I'm one of those kids who said "me do it" all the time when they were 3 years old. :)


I think as a whole I manage strss well... but.... right now I am STRESSED. I mean major stress and I know it is situational to all going on in the world right now. I have major negativity and despair feelings. How can I turn on the tv and not react to what I'm seeing?



I'm high strung by nature so adding 2 neurological problems like Dysautonomia and Lyme Disease put me into overdrive......

I am highly sensitive and am an overthinker, I definetly am more effected by situations than probably a "normal" person...... Even news events....

Its not fun to be this way...although my whole family seems to be like this so I am not sure how much is just genetics.......

Posted (edited)

i'm not sure how to articulate it well, but i can tell a difference between "internal" & "external" high alert for me. by external i mean the way i feel watching the horrible news stories, being nervous the night before surgery, etc...

for me i guess i related to the "high alert" question as being how i felt some this past spring when i wasn't able to eat hardly at all, wasn't sleeping for days on end, and almost felt jumpy/jittery all the time. and yet i was still completely exhausted/wiped out. while i was by no means please about how i was feeling, i didn't doubt for a second that it was all about the physical craziness going on with my body.

in general though i would say"me too" to most all of steph's post above in terms of being aware of my symptoms, the hows & whys behind them, and generally being a pretty laid back person when it comes to day to day things. i don't feel anxious other than for certain major events (that anyone would feel anxious about) and don't anticipate negative events occurring...if anything i'm the opposite & am overly optimistic.

:) melissa

Edited by Sunfish

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