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Treadmill vs Regular walking


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Does anyone know what the difference is between walking on a treadmill vs walking around regularly like outsides and in stores. When I’m on the treadmill walking I’m ok I mean I still have to take 1-2 minutes breaks when I feel fatigued but I’m able to walk about 17 minutes with breaks. When I’m out and about it’s a different story I get fatigued earlier more and slight dizziness like I’m out of it and have to concentrate hard to not collapse. I just did a 6 minutes walk outside and I got the same brain fog and dizziness. My heart rate stayed between 80-103 thanks to colanor. I’m on midrodine 2.5 x 3 a day so I don’t think my vitals are dropping. Maybe it the action of actually moving my body around/turning  that’s different from being on a treadmill. Does anyone have an answer. I also have being staying on top of my salt 5 grams a day as directed my doctor and 90-100 oz of water with electrolytes throughout the day.

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  • Bailee changed the title to Treadmill vs Regular walking

Hi Bailee, i don’t  have an answer, but I do think I can relate. I feel like when I’m exercising I can keep a smoother and steadier pace than when I’m walking outside/in stores, which seems to help. Also, when I’m out and about, it takes more energy processing the sensory overload, dealing with heat/temp changes, thinking about where I have to go and what I have to do, etc, and all of that can drain my energy faster. I don’t know if any of that resonates with you too? But I do certainly hope you find the answers you’re seeking, and some relief.

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Hi Bailee, I have this exact same issue! I brought it up with my specialist but he didn't have an explanation.

I walk every morning on my treadmill at quite a fast pace for 50 minutes. My heart rate does not go beyond 125bpm, and I feel fine both during after the walk. And yet...I cannot walk around the block outside or even down to the end of our street without feeling dizzy, faint, disorientated and having my legs feel heavy and my heart rate rise. I start feeling a heavy pressure in and on top of my head and my eyes feel heavy. It's almost as though switching my vision from things close by to looking ahead in the distance, along with the brightness of the outdoors and also so many things moving around is what sets off my symptoms.

I had a mild form of this when I first got sick many years ago - riding in the car or even looking from person to person in social situations was enough to make me feel unwell, but as I got better this totally disappeared. I was able to go for walks, cycle, go shopping, etc with no issues. However now that I am in a flare it seems to have returned - and quite badly this time!

I'm wondering if as outofadream mentioned - it's something to do with sensory overload...?

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I would also guess the sensory overload could explain it.  Also, it's very hot a humid right now in many places, and you may be responding to that?  Many of us are not tolerant of heat and humidity.

I actually tend to feel dizzy on a treadmill and don't do well on one, and do better going outdoors to walk.  (I do think that getting fresh air and sunshine (as long as it's not too hot) is helpful, for me (even when I've not been up to much walking).)  I also find inexplicably that I can feel pretty stable in my house, but simply going out, anywhere, can be destabilizing, and I will feel a lot worse, when I am in a flare.

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