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Gluten Sensitivity and Autoimmunity (TtG-6)

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I know there are several threads about gluten sensitivity, but I'm curious if anyone else has been tested specifically for TtG-6 (tissue transglutaminase-6) autoimmunity? I know many cases involve autoantibodies in the GI tract (TtG-2) which is the cause of Celiac Disease, but I have autoantibodies to tissue throughout the brain and nervous system (TtG-6), associated with Gluten Ataxia. Many symptoms of this disease overlap with Dysautonomia (pain, dizziness, brain fog, imbalances while standing and walking). I removed gluten completely from my diet, and was surprised at the rapid improvement in brain fog, foot pain, and dizziness (I had been having severe brain fog and foot pain/numbness to the point where it was difficult to walk). It's been over 6 months now, and these symptoms are continuing to improve!

I'm wondering if this is one of the underlying factors in my POTS, and wanted to see if anyone else has had a similar experience. I have started other interventions and PT recently, and know they are also contributing to my general improvement, but these symptoms seem to be directly related to the gluten. 

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