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20 year old dysautonomia after covid?

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I have been tested for everything you could imagine. All comes back normal.

But after catching covid at march 2021, i developed a bounding pulse in all my veins, stomach, neck, hands, back etc.

I literally see my veins pulsating in rhythm with my heartbeat. I also have blotchy red hands and legs, visible blue veins, and a daily low grade fever of 37.6 (99.5), ibs like symptoms, muscle twitching, dry skin. 

I underwent every test possible and everything comes back normal! I wonder if anyone had same dysautonomia symptoms and lives a normal life despite these symptoms. 

I am worried about my life expectancy, and if i will get worse. Does it even get better? 

Im only 20 years old and was very fit before

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Hello @Haidar Badran - it is possible that you experience vasodilation ( blood vessels too wide to keep good enough Blood Pressure ) from your immune response to COVID. Your body might be producing histamines, or other immune system agents, that will cause your blood vessels to widen. What CAN help with this is antihistamines, drinking lots of fluids along with increasing salt, wearing compression hose ( to help your vessels in your legs to stay tight ), exercising, avoiding heat, and maybe a beta blocker to help if your heart rate is too fast. 

34 minutes ago, Haidar Badran said:

I underwent every test possible and everything comes back normal!

Have you had a Tilt Table Test to see if your heart rate goes up when standing? 

34 minutes ago, Haidar Badran said:

I wonder if anyone had same dysautonomia symptoms and lives a normal life despite these symptoms. 

There are many people, especially young people, that develop these types of dysautonomia symptoms following a viral infection, and I personally know many of them that recovered fully. However - some of them were sick enough to have to drop out of school or college for a while until the recovered. There are many different causes for Dysautonomia, and only a few affect us life long. Be positive, see a doctor that knows about post-viral POTS ( also called post-viral malaise ) and try to stay well hydrated, including doing all of the above mentioned selfhelp steps. Let us know how you are doing!

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@Pistol Hi! Thanks for the reply 😊

I am not sure what exactly my issue is.

I recently had a cardiac mri that showed a veryy slight possible inflammation so my cardiologist put me on colchicine right away.

But my problems seem to be more likely related to pots/dysautonomia or maybe histamine issue??

Im not sure what histamines intolerance symptoms are, but i definitely feel worse after certain foods so my diet has been modified alot and i drink beetroot, celery, and alot of other beneficial veggie/fruit blends to support my health.

I also take curcumin, coq10, vitamin d, niacin, and a bunch of other supplements. 

Did you see someone with the same symptoms like mine and gotten better?

Also yes i got a poormans test but my tachycardia isnt that bad.

My heart rate is mostly stable but the pounding and throbbing doesnt stop.

I might have a tilt table test too.

My bp doesnt go too low too.

Do you recommend any advice on what tests to ask for too or what supplements can help too?

Wearing compression socks too

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@Haidar Badrando you also have anxiety as well? Muscle twitches, anxiety, and OCD like tendencies are usually a good indicator of basal ganglia dysfunction. They are a group of neurons in the brain that can influence your autonomic‘s and are one of my causes of POTS (as well as cerebellar damage). It may be of use if you find someone who is a functional neurologist or a functional medicine practitioner who has studied from the Kharrazian Institute.

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14 hours ago, MarcoS108 said:

@Haidar Badrando you also have anxiety as well? Muscle twitches, anxiety, and OCD like tendencies are usually a good indicator of basal ganglia dysfunction. They are a group of neurons in the brain that can influence your autonomic‘s and are one of my causes of POTS (as well as cerebellar damage). It may be of use if you find someone who is a functional neurologist or a functional medicine practitioner who has studied from the Kharrazian Institute.

May I send you private message to ask questions? I have severe OCD but I don't want to hijack this thread. So sorry for those getting sick post covid..

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