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Strange sensation in stomach

Guest KiminOrlando

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Guest KiminOrlando

This is weird. Even by our standards. Here goes. Every night after 11pm but before 1am, I get a strange feeling in my stomach. It is almost a queasy feeling, but more like someone puts their hand on it and squeezes. Within 60 seconds, I am covered in sweat. Every night. Is this some kind of chemical / hormone release? Is it related to my HyperPOTS? Does anyone get this? I can tell people that I am about to start sweating profusely and they are stunned when they see it.

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@KiminOrlando - I get a similar sensation every evening, about 45 minutes after I take my evening meds. I will suddenly start sweating and can feel my heart pounding briefly, accompanied my a wave of nausea. Since for me it consistently happens after taking the meds I am pretty sure it is from that. But I do not get this when I take my morning meds, so I believe it happens because in the evening I am resting after the pills - in the morning I am usually up and about. 

I also know that there are 4 reasons for night sweats: hormones, medications, infection and menopause. If your episodes are not caused by medication - could it be one of the other causes?

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Guest KiminOrlando

Yes, but does menopause limit it to only night? My mom wasn't limited to hot flashes at night and I have gotten menopause related hot flashes during the day. The odd squeezed stomach sensation didn't come with it though. I didn't know if this was a renin dump or acetylcholine or ?? Adrenaline doesn't seem to come with the weird stomach thing. I get buzzy with that. I wish I knew what it was. It is predictable. I probably will never know.

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@KiminOrlando - hot flashes and night sweats are two different things. I had hot flashes but also had night sweats, and they felt different. I never really felt all that hot when I had the night sweats - just really sweaty

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I get total body sweats whenever I get strong stomach cramps for any reason. My theory, for what it’s worth, is that it involves the vagus nerve setting off sympathetic overload. I get totally hot/sweaty when I have been upright to long too. I remember my father in law who had very bad congestive heart failure getting very hot and sweaty a couple of minutes before he had a bad case of diarrhea. Why you would get that at a certain time of night is a mystery. 

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