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UK members - are you in priority group 6?


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I am having a bit of a row with my GPs surgery at the minute about the Covid vaccination (my usual GP is off on holidays so I'm dealing with people who don't know my condition) and would appreciate your input.  I do not get the flu jab as I am largely housebound and worried about the impact a flu vaccination might have on POTS symptoms but I do want the Covid jab.  My GP practice is saying that as I'm not on their list for a flu jab I can't get a vaccine with them as part of clinically vulnerable group 6.  They are saying that if I'm not on the list that was sent out by the Department of Health they have no power to add anyone - surely your GP should be able to add you to the list if they feel you qualify?  POTS is a chronic neurological condition and Covid exacerbates POTS symptoms - I know this for a fact as having had Covid at Christmas I am nowhere near back to "normal".  The issue is that if I don't get priority vaccination at my GPs and wait until my age group is called up I would have to travel over 30 minutes to the nearest vaccination centre and the amount of walking and standing involved would be beyond my capabilities.  So has anyone from the UK with POTS (or POTS and hEDS) been put into priority group 6 by their GP?

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Do you ever feel like it just shouldn't be this hard?!  I am waiting until my usual GP is back but even then I'm not sure if there is anything she'll be able to do as according to my practice it's not up to GPs (the people who know your condition best) to decide, it's just a computer who goes through a list of conditions!  Given the small numbers who have been diagnosed, POTS is never going to appear on that list but that doesn't mean that we don't merit a priority vaccine!  Have you spoken to your GP about getting it Merkat or have you just been waiting to get called up?

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Yes I feel I have be my own doctor most time my pots doctor told me cant do more so got no doctor for that mast cell activation syndrome doctor I haven't seen since march year ago  .yes like they no nout about our condition then appear to no everything even tho I think personally we more risk deffo . I waiting see if safe with my mast cell activation syndrome as I react to everything !! 

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