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Breathing/oxygen saturation issues?


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I've noticed for some time now that I have some significant symptoms in regard to breathing and shortness of breath. I've noticed that I get winded doing minimal exertion, like changing sheets or going to the kitchen or bathroom. When I stand up to do something light, as soon as I lay back down I feel a heaviness in the chest and "air hunger", feeling like I need to take deeper, fuller breaths.

I have a pulse ox here at home, and I notice that my oxygen levels range on average from 96-97% and it goes to 98% when I start doing deep breathing. However, I've seen it several times at 95%, especially when checking after a long period of automatic breathing. It seems like I have some dysfunctional breathing while on automatic or something. I've also checked how many breaths I take within 1 minute, and I've had 10-11 breaths per minute sometimes (normal average is 12-18). But I don't know how or if that also explains me getting winded with minimal exertion. Lately, even walking down to the grocery store down the corner from my house feels like a marathon and I feel suffocated, and wearing a mask makes that sensation even more exarcebated.

I've gotten several exams to check for other serious causes. I've had EKG's, Echo, Stress Trest, and even a Chest CT with contrast because there was a period I thought I had a blood clot or something, but it all came back normal. The only abnormality during these exams was sinus tachycardia, which I also get from minimal exertion, and it has been that way for years, and I've gotten diagnosed as having a "hyperactive sympathetic nervous system" on the Stress Test. I also doubt that it's an infection or Covid related because it has been a chronic issue and that predates the pandemic itself.

I'm getting concerned that I'm spending the day with periods of low oxygen levels and if something funky is going on with the respiratory drive center in my brain or something. Or maybe this is due to deconditioning? I have been extremely sedentary since the pandemic started (got laid off from work) and am mostly bed bound. And yet another theory is that maybe this is a side effect from my meds. I take 1mg Clonazeoam daily before bed for insomnia since february of this year. I know that benzos have depressant effects on the nervous system so maybe that is contributing?

Other symptoms related to dysautonomia I constantly have: high resting heart rate and even higher with minimal exertion, palpitations (especially after carb heavy meals and exercise), heat intolerance, dizziness and lightheaded with exertion, migraines, diffuse muscle pains, temperature dysregulation (slightly higher than average), episodes of constipation and bloating, episodes of increased urinary frequency,

Anyone else have similar issues in regards to the breathing?

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Guest KiminOrlando

You need a Pulmonologist, it sounds like. They may need to run a Pulmonary Functions Test so they can tell what is going on and they may get a high resolution CT. I have what you are talking about and my DLCO is 56% of 'normal'. It is my understanding that it has to do with the gas exchange, ie getting it from the air in your lungs and in to your blood. Also, O2 attaches to red blood cells, so if you are low or your bp is low, it doesn't circulate O2 effectively. My advice, try a Pulmonologist. 

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