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Blood pressure is normal, but fluctuates quickly


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Hi, guys. I just wonder why doctors are always measuring the blood pressure  only one time? Because if they measure my blood pressure twice they will see the difference in 30 points sometimes. For example I just have seen a stimulating picture and immediately felt that something going on . So I decided to measure my blood pressure, it was OK 130/100. 10 minutes after I measured it again and it was 105/80 and few second after it was 134/95 and then few seconds after it was back to 106/82. The feelings are a bit uncomfortable to be honest. So does anyone has similar experience with blood pressure flactuations? Thanks

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@Viktor - it is normal for our BP to change, however the changes you list are a bit drastic. What kind of measuring device do you use? Digital readers are known for their inaccuracy, so I would recommend you check you BP with a manual cuff and stethoscope to compare. Here in the US you can get your BP read manually in any retail pharmacy and of course at your doctors office or clinic. Simply bring your BP reader, take your BP and then have someone check it right after manually. I had several digital readers and they all failed compared to manual cuffs, so I use a manual cuff at home. 



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@Viktor - monitors that measure the BP at the wrist are notorious for incorrect readings. The pulse in the wrist is often detected at a different pressure b/c it is so far from the heart, and many things can influence circulation in the wrist. Cold, Heat, exercise, stress ... all of these can change the BP between heart and wrist. So it is best to switch to a BP monitor that is applied closer to the arm, like the upper arm. Still - even a good digital upper arm device can be a lot different than a manual one. 

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29 minutes ago, Pistol said:

@Viktor - monitors that measure the BP at the wrist are notorious for incorrect readings. The pulse in the wrist is often detected at a different pressure b/c it is so far from the heart, and many things can influence circulation in the wrist. Cold, Heat, exercise, stress ... all of these can change the BP between heart and wrist. So it is best to switch to a BP monitor that is applied closer to the arm, like the upper arm. Still - even a good digital upper arm device can be a lot different than a manual one. 

OK, thanks for letting me know that. Will keep in mind. 

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