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Tilt table numbers, is this a form of pots?

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Hi, I'm a 30 yr old male and just had various autonomic dysfunction tests last week, no results yet but some notes are on my chart online.

Baseline: BP 107/68 HR 66 (oscilatory readings) and BP 117/77 (continuous readings)
Pre-Max Tilt : 70 degrees 20 min BP 92/54 HR 89
Max Tilt: 70 degrees 21 min BP 88/44 HR 85
Note: Note: Test was stopped early at the 21 min into 70 degree HUT due to decrease in blood pressure, patient symptoms, and patient request to stop test and resume supine positioning. See Final Report for Diagnosis.
I see my heart rate didn't climb that much, it has in the past when I stand up but that has sort of settled down a little recently.
My blood pressure dropped and I felt like I was going to pass out about 10 mins Max tilt.
What are your thoughts on this?


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Hello @Qwerty12 - welcome to the forum. Of course - the physician conducting the TT is the One who will diagnose you based on the findings of your TTT. I had two TTT's and the first one was positive for Neuro-cardiogenic Syncope ( NCS ), the second one for POTS. In the first TTT my HR increased and then both BP and HR plummeted and I passed out. In a TTT - I was told - syncope and pre-syncope count equally positive, so based on your response and symptoms it could be NCS ( a form of dysautonomia ). 

What was the reason for the TTT? Do you faint or feel faint often? Here is a link from our website on more information on NCS: 


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Yes, id definitely  BOTH trust the physician,  get second opinions when possible,  and  of course,  do your own extensive research.


For example,  I did the  sweat test at cleveland clinic,  and technically passed.  However,  it took me about 30 minutes to BEGIN to really sweat at all.  And to this day,  apparently, between pots and my hypothalmus???,,,,,,my perspiration system is utterly messed up.

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