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Supine Tachycardia


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Our adult daughter got up around 4am to use restroom, felt malaise, returned to bed, felt her brain burning, then tachycardia. The tachycardia relieved the brain symptom. She went back to sleep while reclining on a huge pillow behind her. Can low (or high) blood pressure cause this brain burn and can you have supine tachycardia with POTS? With orthostatic hypotension?  


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@Trying - I am familiar with the feeling of " brain burning " upon getting up. In my case it has been determined to be due to loss of circulation in the brain from excessive vasoconstriction, a faulty response of the ANS to the upright posture. The following tachycardia is another mechanism of the ANS to bring back circulation. I have had the tachycardia continue after lying down for a few minutes before slowing down. It can also be prolonged if your daughter was anxious once lying back down. Yes - supine tachycardia CAN be a symptom of POTS and it easily can be CAUSED by orthostatic hypotension. It would be uncommon if the tachycardia starts while lying down, without a trigger such as standing up. 

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Her brain burning symptom did not start until she laid back down in bed. Does the over vasoconstriction cause too high blood pressure in your brain?

Her tachycardia started after the brain burning symptom, so it started AFTER she was lying down. She is not anxious because she is glad to have the tachycardia episode because it relieves the brain burning symptom which feels far worse than the tachycardia. Is that same with you, does brain burning stop when tachycardia starts?


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@Trying - in my case the brain sensation appears when my blood vessels constrict nd reduce flow to the brain. If I lie down sometimes the vessels relax some and the heart beats faster to get the blood to the brain. If I do not lie down - in my case - the blood vessels end up so tight that there is no more circulation possible and I either pass out or take a seizure. I am not sure if this is what is going on with Jennifer but it could be the same mechanism. 

I know you said that she has low blood volume - that can cause this excessive sympathetic overcompensation with the vasoconstriction. Also blood pooling can trigger it as well. If tht is the case she might have hyperadrenergic POTS, but there are so many mechanisms that she would have to be evaluated by a specialist. Are you still hoping to see Dr Grubb?

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