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ANdrenergic storm coming now?


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HI folks...Trying to keep a storm at bay but may not be able to stop it. When i get these storms, its greater than usual  andrenergic excess with dangerously high bps, palpitations, and feel awful. This one seems to have had initial trigger be food - most likely fish, possibly also camel milk (allergic to milk), and possibly even an item i was allergic to the day before and didn't realize was eating. So started with insomnia. Wide awake much of night even though no head zaps or interruptions, and noticed was super sound sensitive, more than usual. But didn't think I was in danger until....At 8am , they started jackhammering outside my windows and besides the noise, it blew major dust into the house. Had to scramble to shut 4 windows (not easy with my shoulders), still got grit in eyes. And the noise was unbearable - and a trigger for me has been low frequency sound. Low freq sound was the final straw back in november when lead to ambulance ride. Then the noise was on both side of the house at same time and could feel adreniline sruging with no way to stop it. Tried to stay calm but was not easy, got a little quiter, and did some of my tricks to lower bp and stuff -which did help enough that I thought could go safely outside.

Went out side. usually, i could go weeks without conversting with a sole, but as luck would have it, two pepole struck up conversations with me. Didn't realize how bad I was getting, but was really worse after each one. It was also really hot sunny and humid outside, and they are also doing work on the roads this summer, so very noisy.  Went to a store, but by then i'm super sound sensitive, there are trucks out for national night out and was just too noisy. Thought of going to a library but by then i didn't think i could safely drive to one, plus in my rush to get out of house, i was unable to prepare a snack.

So have come home. some of the workers are on lunch break so its not as noisy, but that will be over soon.

and when it rains it pours- the new docs office can't get their act straight and they keep trying to fax me medical records to my home phone, plus they keep calling and asking if I got the fax. So now ill unplug both the phone and the answering machine, which I often do anyway.  In an adreneline fueled state, I emailed the doc this morning and said I wanted to talk about the lab tests and let him know that despite the passage of 2 weeks from our first visit, I had yet to get a copy of the doc notes i requested, so he harassed the staff I guess, and hence theyre trying to fax me.


anyway, i guess i'm trying to distract myself now by writing this, but its just more adreneline fueled manifestations and not really helping anything. Can't do anything physical to "burn it off" since my heart already adversely affected and I have a low excercise tolerance for years.

These typically take days to wear off, so its not the harmless 15 min adreneline surge that some get. Just have to try to ride it out, and hope i don't cause any end organ damage to heart, brain, kidneys, or eyes, from the bp surges. I'm typically in a state of andrenergic excess and then things can escalate it to full blown crisis (like foods, h1 blockers i think, low frequence sounds, animated conversations)

just unplugged my phone as the idiots have the fax on auto redial  to my home land line.


im pretty good at keeping things from escalating, so will do my best, but may or may not work. Wish me luck...

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I am fortunate that I live in an area where it is very quiet but when I get overstimulated like that even bird song, creek water flowing or a screen door creaking can get me freaking out, so I totally get you! - I try ear plugs, a dark room and even white noise and once I get enough QUIET rest in I ususally recover. And it is important to remain in a quiet environment for a while and then slowly reintroduce stressful stimuli after an episode of this magnitude! - Wish you the best!!!

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Thanks. Its other way round ear plugs block high frequency. Very hard to block low frequency.  

I remember once trying bath during fireworks but didnt seem to block noise 


cant take baths by the way - they seem to trigger viral recurrences. Frustrating - cant drink eother, or take pills, hey maybe someone wants to sing me a lillaby...

Not a happy camper somi ce shoulder blades and neck hurting from all tne rapid window closing       Could set me back weeks  

so alot to get thru

  i teresting how i can be ok one second but then the next stuff cascades and piles on and im suddenly in bad shape again  


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If you look at the ranges for earplugs, different ones block different range of frequencies. Not all but it can help with a little of the lows. 


These have a better lower frequency blocking capability than their others. It takes some searching to find the right ear plugs for you.

Foams can work fine too if you prefer them. Just please do not reuse foams. They are one time use only. 

If you think ear plugs could help I would try. If you think they aren't worth it then don't bother. I am sure you have figured out ways at this point through trial and error that work for you. I personally am noise sensitive but I can't walk around with ear plugs in. So I meditate as I live my life. Sometimes noise breaks through but with 10 minutes I calm down. It takes practice but it was the only thing that helped me in the beginning when I didn't know what was wrong. 

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Wiull take a look - thanks much - but actually, I tend to wear ear muffs rather than ear plugs. I have a hard time tolerating things in my ears. Didn't bother going into details since usually the freq blocking effect of muffs and ear plugs seemed to have been about the same (i've gotten so used to not bothering to let the world know the sheer number of normal things normal people tolerate just fine that I cannot) So surprised to see that on low freq and earplugs- I don't suppose you know ear muffs that do that too?? would be awesome.

I do mindfulness meditation, but of minimal use for these.

but good news is I must be recovering faster from these than the weeks it took in the past since not doing badly at all today! of course that may change when i speak to the doc tonight, if he bothers to call.

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