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joint pain?


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hi. i’ve been getting aches in my fingers but it’s usually only one finger that hurts at a time (for example my pinky hurts right now) does anyone know what the cause of this is or if it’s common with pots. i do suffer from joint pain as well in my legs but i’m not sure if a single finger hurting is just joint pain or not. thank you

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@sheal I do not know why just one joint hurts. I do know that my fingers hurt every morning, I believe because I clench my hands ( as well as my jaw ) while asleep. I also suffer from periodic generalized joint pains in every single joint in my body ( Lyme has been ruled out, ANA and RF negative, ESR elevated ). I do not know if this helps you but I cannot take NSAIDS due to GI issues so I take Turmeric/Black Pepper/Ginger supplement and it works way better for the joint pain than Tylenol or even pain meds! 

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@sheal hi, I too have joint pain in my fingers. Lately it’s been my two pointer fingers but I think I have dislocated them at the middle knuckle, lol. My thumbs hurt too. I do get random pains in my fingers, usually more towards the tips of my fingers. Sometimes my fingers will lock up. I don’t know if it’s a POTS thing or just a weird random thing. sorry I can’t be more help, but you’re not alone in finger pain!

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@Pistol is correct.  I saw a hand occupational therapist who told me that thee natural sleep position is the fetal position and that we tend to clench our hands.  I did exactly that and now use a wrist brace with a pad for the fingers and it really helps.  I also second the turmeric.  I have an autoimmune disease and turmeric has really helped.  @Shannoncr I had a finger that locked years ago diagnosed as a trigger finger.  A shot of cortisone and it hasn’t bothered me since.

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