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A way to contact POTS doctors online!


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I can imagine that medical resources are limited given the ongoing conflict in Yemen where you are. Have you thought about the international red crescent society? They have doctors on staff and may be able to contact someone by phone in a different country on your behalf. Are you able to access a general doctor? They may have some ideas on how to contact others as well. Good luck, I hope you’re able to find some resources.

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Keep reading information about POTS and autonomic dysfunction.  Many actually do better without medication. I became very sensitive to any medication.  Moderate exercise helps some depending on your current level of activity. If you suspect any type of mast cell involvement you could try some OTC antihistamines, providing you have taken them before. Google Dr. Afrin and MCAD to check into that.

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18 hours ago, angelloz said:

Keep reading information about POTS and autonomic dysfunction.  Many actually do better without medication. I became very sensitive to any medication.  Moderate exercise helps some depending on your current level of activity. If you suspect any type of mast cell involvement you could try some OTC antihistamines, providing you have taken them before. Google Dr. Afrin and MCAD to check into that.

@angelloz Thanks a lot. I tried yesterday  Atarax (hydroxyzine) and today I feel a big difference. Even the standing heart rate difference is around 18-20 beats. I think I have a sort of MCAD, but I dont have any idea about this issue. 

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