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I haven't been diagnosed, my appointment is still a month away.  My cardiologist wants me walking 30 minutes every day to help worth heart health, but I'm worried that if I work my strength and tolerance up over the next month, I won't get diagnosed because I won't have the same issues I do now..  anybody know what I should do? 

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I wish walking a half-hour a day would make my symptoms less or make them go away but that hasn't happened and I walk about 90 minutes a day. What will happen from a half hour walk is that your body has better circulation, your head gets some fresh air and a time for personal reflection, if you are effected by motility problems the walking will lessen them, and you get vitamin D from the sunshine. It does not make your symptoms go away or lessen or we would all walk 24/7. If your doctor ordered you to walk then walk. It's not so hard if you start by walking to the corner, and then around the block, and then a few blocks longer. Take baby steps to start any exercise plan and slowly build up your endurance. I wish you luck at your appointment.


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If walking improves your symptoms that dramatically then maybe it's the treatment that is needed!  Exercise does help reduce symptoms for some patients.  However, it may not be enough for you.  If your doctor has cleared you for exercise it makes sense to do what he or she is recommending,  Clb75's suggestion to keep a record of your vitals over the next month makes sense!  Many people with dysautonomia have symptoms that wax and wane, exercise or not.  Hope you feel better soon.

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