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Could I have dysautonomia or something else?


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Having trouble sleeping again... I'm extremely tired but can't sleep and my head feels like I'm not getting enough oxygen to my brain... I don't know if I'm gonna make through the week... I'm going to die and there is nothing I can do about it... :'( thanks everyone for everything... P.s any advice would be appreciated...

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If you're that worried go to the hospital or a doctor, not having insurance isn't an excuse to not go if you think you're going to die. If you don't feel like you're getting enough oxygem then you're probably hyperventilating or are anxious. I know having health issues is scary but you don't even know if anything is wrong. People have given you advice, so take it. I'd Get off the internet and go distract yourself from every up or down your body has and relax. You're not going to die.

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Honestly im trying to help you. You should seek a doctor. Everyone here jas already answered your question on whether it sounds like dysautonomia but we aren't doctors and that's what you need. I'm not trying to be rude at all but you really should find something to keep you occupied because you definitely sound anxious which is normal but you need to try and help yourself. Buying more things to monitor yourself every minute isn't going to help. I've been where you are, fixated on every weird sensation or change in my body.  Your blood pressure and heart rate change all throughout the day due to a number of things. Smoking, caffeine, anxiety, sleep deprivation etc. So there's no point in listening to yourself like you are, you're just making it worse. Document the real and troublesome symptoms that happen more than once and see a doctor. There are clinics you can go to that are inexpensive and stuff you can do. But seriously, do something.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there, 

I'm so glad that you got an appointment. Until then, please know that we're here for you on the forum.  Is this a primary doctor or a specialist you'll be seeing? on our website we have some some great information for diagnosing pots and dysautonomia, also a symptoms list page where you might find it helpful to print out and bring to your appointment with you. Also, many doctors do an active stand test, which records your vitals during the appointment throughout a ten min period, it might help to ask for that in order to get a referral to a specialist or for a tilt table. Maybe there is something they can do to help you with insurance. We've had past threads about this you can search through them above. 

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Ok thank you. I'm not sure whether I'll have a primary doctor or specialist (maybe I'll have both???) I just hope they can get down to the bottom of this because I'm scared and miserable... I had about 10 hours of asleep last night and I'm still super tired and have these dark gray bags under my eyes (I hope its not fluid retention) thank you everyone for all of your support and I'm sorry for blowing up this thread so much, I was just desperate for answers. Now I guess I just wait until April 20. Any tips on dealing with fatigue would be highly appreciated. But yeah, Ive gone vegan and try to stay active (I did have to tone it down a little bit because I got light headed and got upper back pain, neck, and shoulder pain just from speed walking a couple nights ago but I do leg exercises and artery cleansing exercises and drink a detox tea every day) I don't have swelling in my ankles which is promising. I'll keep you guys posted on my recovery. Wish me luck! Love ya!

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Hey guys... I need help coping... I've only had 3 hours of sleep and I can't go back to sleep... I feel weak, tired, anxious, and very depressed... I broke down crying just minutes ago... I'm losing my mind... At this point, I just want peace... There's probably not much you can do (that you haven't already done) but anything would be a god send... I'm back to smoking cigarettes (which is obviously not good) because the stress is so immense... I sometimes feel like I deserve this...  I should have taken better care of myself... Sorry about all of the dots, its a weird habit.

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I'd like to suggest is that you start a new topic with a specific question or two, rather than continuing to use this topic to post multiple concerns.  You will likely get more responses that way.

Since you are undiagnosed at this time it's hard to know if others' experiences here will be helpful to you.

That said, difficulty with sleeping is a common problem for patients on this forum.  It can certainly make other symptoms worse and affect our state of mind as well.  I also only slept about 3 hours last night!  You could research sleep hygiene for ideas for improving your sleep environment--that often helps.  This would be addressing temperature, lighting but also what you do before bed, food/caffeine consumption, etc.

Is there someone you can talk to about the stress you are feeling?  It sounds like seeking a counselor might be helpful.

The causes of illness are often complex.  It's not necessarily true that anyone has done anything that has caused them to be sick.

One challenge with POTS is the overlap with anxiety that often occurs b/c of the involvement of the nervous system.  It can be hard to know if feelings of anxiety are part of the illness or generated bc of the illness.  Of course you don't know at this time what your diagnosis is.

A book that helped me a lot was Spontaneous Healing by Dr. Andrew Weil.  He talks about anxiety and methods for relaxation that can be helpful when we are sick.

Hope you feel better as the day goes on.  Often I find that when I don't sleep well I feel worst in the AM.


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Thank you MomtoGiuliana, 

I'll definitely look into that book you mentioned.

I have my dad and sis, but my sis gets annoyed with me and I don't want to stress my dad out anymore than he already is. I would love to see a counselor but I don't know how to set up a visit without insurance. Maybe I could set up one with the clinic I'm going through...? I would really love to go to a group for people dealing with undiagnosed symptoms (if that even exists) or maybe for people dealing with health anxiety.

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