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Could I have dysautonomia or something else?


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I was like that when I first started having symptoms and it made it to the point where I was scared to even leave my house. I know what it feels like to worry over every little thing, but the fact is, you haven't had anything major happen and you probably wont. You'd be amazed at what the body can handle. I'e had several tests done from almost every type of specialist out there, it all relates back to my POTS. POTS is just a ****** disease because it can't be localized to one area or trigger.  It's a encompassing disease and the symptoms like our bodies vary A LOT. Like I've said, I know it's hard not to worry about every little thing that feels off, but that's just how POTS feels and once you can kind of accept it and realize that it's your POTS it'll be easier to not get anxious about it, because trust me, you are making yourself more anxious. It's an endless cycle with POTS, you get anxious because you don't feel good and then your anxiety makes you feel worse. Granted that's how I am, medication has greatly helped and I stopped checking my blood pressure, heart rate and blood sugar constantly.  Good luck!

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So I've been getting these weird palpitations when I stand up from laying down. As soon as I stand up, my heart beats fast for a couple seconds (probably around 120-140) and then does something that feels like skipping a beat and then starts pounding slow and hard for another couple seconds and then goes back up to around 120-140. Anyone else get this?

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No, nothing sounds life threatening, but I'm not a doctor. Just write down your symptoms so you can give your info to a doctor and i don't know how you'll get on insurance since the marketplace is closed for new applicants, so I'm assuming you're maybe getting put on hers? Maybe see if you can find a doctor who takes payment plans ot something? Just to go in for your basic check up and some basic blood work if you can anyways

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So sorry you are having a rough time.  All these symptoms you are describing are consistent with symptoms I have had personally and/or seen many others describe on this forum.  Fortunately dysautonomia is not typically life threatening.  It can be disabling and definitely the symptoms can be weird and scary--I can definitely relate to the anxiety they produce, especially when it is something new.  That said, of course, we cannot diagnose you or give you medical advice, other than to see a doctor (ideally, specialist) for diagnosis and treatment.

As far as sleep, there have been lots of discussions on this forum about sleep as many of us experience sleep disturbances.  You can also search for the topic "sleep hygiene" generally on the internet.  While sleep problems can require a specialist there are things you can do at home to try to improve sleep as well.

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Update: managed to get around 10 hours of sleep today (although i still feel really tired). Also started taking multivitamin and omega 3 gummies.

I've officially gone vegan.

I got a blood glucose reader and I'm going to check my blood sugar tomorrow when I wake up.

Lastly, I've replaced cigarettes with gum.

I hope that helps my body with the state its in... :/

Gonna try to get health insurance soon.

I'll keep you guys posted.

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Smoking raises your heart rate and blood pressure so it's good you stopped. And a plant based diet is always good, jist make sure you know what you're doing. Lots of people fall into ruts making the transition because they're not properly educated about how different a plant based diet is. Do yoir research. Also it's different from veganism in that veganism is more a lifestyle versus plant based diets are just that. You'll feel better. Look into nutritional yeast, vegan protein shakes, vitamins etc.

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