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Good Day Heart Question


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Hello Everyone,

Every now and then I have a "good" day where I don't feel normal, but I also don't feel as bad as usual.

My questions are...

1) if you have POTS and you're having a "good" day, does your heart rate still go up at least 30 bpm after standing?

2) If it does, why do you think your symptoms are better that day (because rapid heart causes a lot of them, right?).

3) If your standing heart rate is more normal on "good" days, do you have any idea why that is?

4) Can you have good heart rate days if you have POTS?



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On a good day I don't tend to monitor my heart as much but I would say I do have the occasional day when it doesn't raise 30 . However I know I can have a day when I feel lousy and both my Bp and Hr are not as bad as would expect for how I feel . I can not figure out all the time what triggers are . After my TTT my consultant said symptons and the high Hr don't always happen at the same time but it is the autonomic system sending the wrong information. I was told each day can vary in POTS

I will be interested what the more experienced members have to say too

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For me, blood pooling is more of a problem than high heart rate. Clonidine keeps the HR and hypernadrenergic part under a reasonable level of control, but this does not fix the blood pooling. Therefore I still have symptoms and these vary according to weather conditions, activity type, and whether or not I remember to take enough salt/water and wear compression hose.

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Thanks Dancer65 and Lily!

You know, I was thinking too that some days I feel worse than my heart rate shows. I wonder if it's linked to the pooling blood you mentioned Lily? Interesting!

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Thanks Always Hoping and Lily!

Its funny...I recently discovered that I have pooling blood.  Like you Lily, I thought purplish/veiny legs/feet when standing was normal...that's the way mine have been for years.  Anyways, I was in the shower, and when I put one leg down after shaving I realized it was waaaay lighter in colour than the other one.  Now that I know, I look at them and can't believe I thought it was normal. :)

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