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Just wondering if anyone of you out there have had this strange experience; Chronically low bloodpressure (taken in arms) but an abnormal A.B.I. (taken in ankle). With all my other diagnoses I forget about this but it is really weird. My blood pressure in my legs runs about 30 pts. higher than in my arm. My cardio didn't believe this when I told him and when he checked it in his office he got the same reading three times (30 pts. higher in legs). He sent me to have an A.B.I. which turned out to be abnormal. Thus, I received the diagnosis of p.v.d. on top of everything else. Has anyone else had similiar problems. Your bp in your legs being much higher than the bp in your arms? There is absolutely NOTHING normal in my body!


PS Your blood pressure in your legs should be higher than in your arms but not to this extent.


Wouldn't blood pooling in the lower extremeties cause increased pressure??? Just a thought.



P.V.D. is peripheral vascular disease which is usually seen in elderly male smokers (that's my undrstanding, at least). The ABI test is done while lying down so I don't think blood would pool in my legs during that procedure. Anyway, it's weird. Thanks for replying!


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