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Tunnel Vision


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This is a problem I have frequently. I'm mostly bed bound except getting up for five or ten minutes at a time to do things throughout the day. Most of the time I get dizzy if I stay on my feet longer than ten minutes or so. However, the blurred vision and tunnel vision can occur just from using my eyes reading in bed, or especially playing a video game. Naturally, the vision problem it makes my dizziness worse if I get up but it's not always caused by being on my feet.

I usually research the stink out of every symptom since I have the background and a lot of time to do so :/ But I haven't noticed too much out there on tunnel vision except with POTS patients.

I just deleted a bunch of scientific conjecture I wrote. I'm more interested in your experiences with tunnel vision and when it's worse. Anybody want to share?

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Tunnel vision was actually one of my initial symptoms, finaly put the connection together that it usually follows a drop in my blood pressure that has made me fatigued. I find my eyes have a hard time focusing since the onset of my symptoms 4 years ago and have a mixture of tunnel/double/blurry. Tunnel vission is now one of my cues that I'm going to pass out, along with a couple other. (I have not been able to stand without passing out in over a year) I do have trouble when I'm tired and trying to focus, So don't always relate to passing out, just most of the time. Generally my heart rate is elevated if I'm laying down when it happens. Hope you are able to figure it out!

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I don't get tunnel vision, or at least my visual symptom doesn't look exactly like what pictures of what tunnel vision is supposed to look like, but at times my vision with feel "hazy" almost like I can see normally but I feel like I'm in a fog or seeing through a cloud; it's as if it's harder for me to recognize what I'm actually looking it and usually I feel less cognitively aware of my surroundings, it's actually a pretty scary symptom, one that makes me feel very uncomfortable as it is occurring.

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