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What's Your Favorite Specialist And Why?


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I have found the most caring and wanting to try to find out the problem is from any NP I've seen. Unfortunately, I don't think they have enough "medical" background to really get to the core of this. I say that because most doctors don't either!

I've been to many specialists for this in the last 9 years. I have to say that endocrinologists have done the most testing, by FAR! I have been tested with many complicated and in-depth tests regarding endocrine issues. I feel like they were important to do, too, because they ruled out(or still wondering about one!) any endocrine causes for POTS, which definitely could be other people's issues.

The next would be a neurologist. I feel like they try and listen more to my symptoms, and try to understand them in the POTS context.

Cardiologists are, for me, a one-trick show. They all look at the electrical activity, the heart structure, and then perform the TTT. After all that, they all recommend a beta blocker. That's it. Same thing, everytime. (I don't really handle beta blockers that well). I don't have any even look like they are thinking outside the box. I must say, the specialists(cardiologists) specifically doing work in POTS do more testing, such as the nuclear scan and such.

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I love my EP. Of course I do... he the one who identified my POTS and was the very first doctor to me that I am NOT CRAZY! What I like about him is that he not only focuses on the heart, but he is aware of the entire SYNDROME and is sensitive to how hard it is managing and living with the many symptoms. I actually look forward to my appointments with him because he GETS it and I know he does.. and he is so compassionate and informative. I got extremely lucky that I happened upon him during my hospitalization.

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After about 15 years or so I have found my dream team. They are my Neurologist (POTSspecialist, he is called the best in my country), my Cardiologist who was the first to mention POTS and sent me to the Neuro. My PT who is really wonderful and understands (which is SO unusual!), the tech who does the measurements when I'm exercizing and interprets them (haha I forgot what he's called sorry), my superduper best trainer in the world, who makes sure I'm safe as soon as I enter the gym and took me home every time I couldn't drive home myself and last but not least my very understanding GP who is always thinking and working with me. I truly am SO lucky to have found them!

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