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Mouth Breathing

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I was wondering how many others out there are mouth breathers? I've been a mouth breather and tongue thruster all my life and have been reading about how mouth breathing can cause dizziness and brain fog. Now, I'm curious if there's a link between my mouth breathing and POTS. Would love to hear others' thoughts. I'm going to start myofunctional therapy soon to help me learn to nasal breathe so will let you know if this relieves any of my POTS symptoms.

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Katy - Thanks for your message. I have the type of tongue posture where the tongue rests on the floor of the lower jaw but it used to protrude against my teeth. I'm surprised that holding the tongue on the roof of the mouth is a symptom of EDS, as that is the ideal resting position for the tongue.

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I have become a nose breather at some point back before or after POTS started. I didn't pay attention to notice exactly when it started. If I breathe through my mouth, it feels like I am either not getting enough air or too much(hard to explain!). I almost get lightheaded mouth breathing. I have a "skinny" nose, and feel a resistance when I breathe through my nose. It is almost like I need that resistance.

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