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Strange Skin Reaction - Bug Bite?

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My skin's always does weird things since POTS began, but today it started swelling up around what I thought might be a bug, though it didn't look like one (unfortunately I lost it). There were two spots of swelling, and there was edema as well (but that happens all the time with me). I did shave this morning, so maybe it was irritated. It almost looked like an allergic reaction, you know like when you get those allergy tests and they test a piece of skin and just that piece swells up? No other allergy signs though, and I'm not allergic to anything I know of. I feel like since it wasn't there this morning, that's too quick for the reaction to be from a bug bite....though stupid me I triedremoving it with tweezers and only succeeded in making myself bleed. I really hope it wasn't a tick. But I haven't gone out today. Anyone else get weird swelling?

This isn't what I needed today, my family member was graduating tomorrow and I hate taking attention away from that. I'm just going to ignore it and hope it goes away.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm constantly getting little tiny red dots that are unbelievably itchy. like, a pindrop size will keep me awake at night. if I keep scratching, it turns into red welts that kind of look like hives, but not really. been trying to figure out what it is for years. dermatologist was no help. at first, they do seem like mosquito bites or something similar, but they're not. I have to take allegra every day to keep them at bay. as with most things, I end up having to self-treat symptoms becs none of my docs are good enough to help.

I suspect I could have urticarial pigmentosa, but I'm not sure. it's just me googling stuff.

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