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Recovery From Colonoscopy/egd Test?


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Just an odd question for those who've had this done, what was your recovery timeline? Like, when did you feel "normal" again? I know they can take a lot out of you in the prep, and then some of us don't respond to the twilight medication well, so there's another added stressor...

I have this wonderful test scheduled for Thursday, which puts me exactly three weeks since my surgery, in which I'm still struggling with getting my energy back and with pain (I have EDS as well, so that may be playing a part in it). I've called the schedulers and asked for the first appointment of the day, knowing I'm gonna be dehydrated and my body will be stressed, in hopes I can get extra fluids and such and get this out of the way. My friends who I stayed two weeks with, have already gotten my bedroom ready, because while Im back at my place, I am still struggling with my everyday tasks and energy level. My surgery seemingly put me back to where my sitting up/feet down limit is back to just an hour or two on a double dose of midodrine, still weak, etc. I'm apparently going to stay the weekend with them to ensure I've bounced back and properly rehydrated, which is a very big deal with me. Given how I respond to medications as well, they are knocking me out like they did for surgery as well.

So, how did you fare for this? Were you up and going later that day just fine? Or did you need a few days to rest up, get strength back, etc? Just wondering.

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Hey becia, yeah ive had a few prior to having bowel out and since. I get pretty light headed and dizzier, but at my usual level of yuk a day later. Sometimes knocks me around a few days. Its the dehydration I guess. Good luck, I'm sure u ll be fine.

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Hi Becia,

I hate the prep. It's seriously the worst part of this. I've had a couple of these, and honestly, I feel fine afterwards. I normally eat, drink and enjoy having an afternoon of leisure. Yes, you might be a little light headed/dizzy, but you might surprise yourself. I talked to my doctor and had them run fluid for me in recovery. The wonderful "knock you out" drug they have used for mine gave me incredibly good rest. I mean, real rest. Not setting an alarm to wake up and drink some water kind of sleep. But a real nice blissful short nap.

If it wasn't for the prep, I'd honestly do one of these whenever they asked without all my arguing. I was completely freaked out the first time, and I came through ok. I came home after spoiling myself with lunch out, and collapsed to finish the nap the test started. I had some residual weakness, but I wasn't that upset. This could perhaps be because I always look at one of these as a cleanse, and let it bring healing instead of poor health.

You've had a lot going on. And your body isn't completely over the surgery maybe. I can totally understand your desire to have more information and go in prepared. I am glad you will have somebody to stay with and let you rest as much as you can. We all seem to react differently.

Good Luck!


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Yeah, and the prep for this is different than my last test, so I'm freaked out. I have to drink 4 liters of this wonderful (sarcasm!) stuff, and with my stomach not emptying right, I know I'm gonna be throwing up a good portion of it. Maybe it's a good thing I've had issues the last few days, there can't possibly be more in me,,,

I do IV therapy at home, and have adjusted my IV schedule, so I'm running them during the time I'm prepping, and on the day there, I'm asking for extra fluids too. I live lightheaded and dizzy, so more makes me very anxious. But again, my friends have been there since the beginning of everything, so whatever my body decides to try and do, it won't get far with them, they know just what to do.

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I have emergency ivs (two liters), and am going to run one Wednesday (my schedule this week is Sunday, Tuesday,Thursday,Saturday), while I'm doing the prep. The prep for this liteerally sounds like something from a horror movie.... I start drinking this mess at 6pm on Wednesday for a 8am procedure, unless they tell me diffrerent. It's a lot to take it, and then lose really fast for me, especially with how my body holds on to hydration.

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Wow becia, drinking it that nite for the next morn? Usually they start it around at lunch. The 4 litre one is rubbish I hear ya.

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Thanks yall. Yep, my prep started at 3pm taking some pills, and at 5pm, downing 8oz of this stuff every fifteen minutes until gone. I got to the last couple cupfulls before I threw in the towel, I was so weak, shaky, and throwing up I couldn't tolerate myself. Everything was clear anyways, I've been horribly sick to my stomach this week anyways. I managed to make it to bed before passing out. Currently trying to wake up and get ready to go. Packed my things last night in between everything, but since I cannot be medicated, I'm extremely symptomatic and weak.

My friends assured me that my bed is ready for me to crash, just bring my pillow, lol. I am hoping they can give me something for nausea while I'm there, because I know I need to eat before I sleep this mess off, and I quite honestly want pancakes.

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I have amazing friends... They have been my family for almost 2 years, when mine basically dropped me when I couldn't do everything I used to.

Test is done, and I'm home. They stretched my esophagus to aid with swallowing, removed one polyp, and did mulittle biopsies of my stomach and such. I had an omelette for brunch, and was able to eat the thing without having to stop three steps in and throw up. It was lovely!

But now, I'm at my friends house, curling up in my old bedroom, and sleeping as much as I can.

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