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Terrible Migraine Last Night.


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I started vitamin B2 400 mgs for migraine prevention on thanksgiving and ever since then I have had no migraines. Then I ran out on Thursday and this week I have been waiting for my b2 and last night I had a terrible migraine. It started around 9:30 pm. It started with blurry vision where I couldn't even read my computer. Then after a while of blurriness and feeling like passing out I get numbness up and down the right side of my face and the back of my throat and right side of tongue and my right hand. Then it moved to my right wrist. That lasted until around 10:30 and I couldn't talk right. Then came the headache on the left side temple and eye. The headache was really bad and I was nauseous. I finally went to bed and this morning I feel better just a slight pressure when I cough or laugh and feel drained and tired. I kept asking my grandma yesterday if the ham she made was real and she said it was and it looked real and tasted good. It also looked real and not packaged like deli meat. But this morning I read the wrapper and the last ingredient was sodium nitrate my biggest trigger!! So sadly I am not having her yummy ham and bean soup tonight for dinner :(.

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Thanks!!!! I thought I was in recovery stage but there I go again and get a migraine at 11 am. Started with the blury vision cant see straight cant do nothing. then comes the hand numbness and face numbness's and the weird thing is everything sounded different. When someone or I talked it sounded weird like muffled and it feels like my motor skills are affected when I have migraines. Now I have the headache part and I am extremely wiped and drained. I can't nap because I won't be able to sleep tonight. I did lay down until the auras went away but I don't want to fall asleep. How do you guys handel your migraines? How do you not get scared when you have them? I get so scared and worry about having a stroke but I keep trying to tell myself I am 23 too young ot have strokes and I have had mris when I first got migraines and I had a echo on my neck arteries to make sure it wasn't a TIA. It scares me so much when I get these. I have never passed out from a migraine but I worry that I am going to one of these times. Any tips on how to handle migraines? I also take Tylenol right as I started getting auras.

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