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Anyone Else Feel Worse At Night?


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I have noticed that I feel worse once the sun goes down. I get worse brain fog, feel super tired, and don't want to do anything once it gets dark. Its hard because the young adult group i'm in at church has life group every Thursday night at 6 to 8 pm. it just started and already I've missed the first two meetings. I have no energy once it gets dark and I have so much more trouble thinking. Does anyone else get this way? My best time is before lunch and before 3pm. Its so frustrating because I want to be able to do stuff with the friends im making at church but I never have energy.

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I live at home and I am not allowed to take naps during the day because I have trouble falling asleep at night. Plus if I nap during the day I feel worse over all which is weird. So I am just going to try to keep it relaxed and easy on Thursday and have an egg sandwich to give me energy.

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