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Cortisol, Magnesium And Vitamin D


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Vitamin D and magnesium deficiencies are very common in general. Addressing them with supplements often helps people feel better very quickly, especially the magnesium. I have a good friend who had extreme palpitations. She started preparing for the end of her life--not planning it, but considering arrangements for children. Then her doctor found she had a magnesium deficiency. He told her what supplement to take that would be best absorbed and told her she would feel better in a couple of months, but within a couple of weeks her heart rhythm became very normal and all the palpitations went away. My palpitations and odd twitching also went away with magnesium but my heart rate is still high.

Proper levels of magnesium are essential for nerve function. Vitamin D is necessary for many processes in the body and I've read that there's been discussion about re-classifying it as a hormone.

I don't know much about cortisol except that it can be high when people are under stress and with some endocrine disorders.

I hope this is a good step to help you feel better.

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Hi Andrea,

Low Vit D and Magnesium as well as high Cortisol can be markers for dysautonomia (resp. results of dysautonomia).

For example, my Vit D was always extremely low (some docs couldn't believe the results...) my magnesium always pretty normal and my cortisol was too high most of the time in 2013 (didn't have it tested again since then), definitely because of the stress.

To my understanding, low Vit D and magnesium are quite typical for dysautonomia (though mostly regarded as a result, not as a cause) and high cortisol is simply a marker for stress, that can also vary from day to day. In addition there is a specific cortisol circadian rhythm, i.e. it fluctuates quite a lot in the course of the day. At which day of time was yours taken?

Why not trying Supplements for Vit D and magnesium? If you start carefully with doses (see, how you tolerate them), maybe some very particular symptoms may improve??

Good luck and best wishes!!


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My geneticist has me take Epsom salt baths or even just Epsom salt foot baths to absorb the magnesium from the salts through the skin which is one of the easier ways to absorb it without having potential diarrhea from the oral supplements. You have to put enough Epsom salts in the water that they stop dissolving. That's how you know the water is truly saturated with the salts.

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I also had high cortisol test results when I did a saliva test with a holistic doctor (back before I was diagnosed but very sick). I asked my endocrinologist about it. He said that one test is just a snap shot of your level at that moment as cortisol levels naturally fluctuate. Your body demands more cortisol when you are sick or stressed. I would ask the doctor what if anything they think your test result means. It might mean more testing is needed, or it might not.

People with low cortisol levels may have Addison's disease. Addison's disease can cause POTS I believe. I have a friend who recently was diagnosed with Addison's. She complained of extreme weakness, tiredness and also a high heart rate on standing.

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Magnesium supplements might work best if taken in the evening. Magnesium can drop blood pressure. It probably will not for most people.

Higher than normal cortisol is common with POTS, but try not to be afraid and stressed. Stress, fear, and anxiety makes this worse.

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I have had increasing morning blood cortisol levels. This year I finally tipped over the top of the range, and it is considered "high". No one has explained why it is like that. I've done a few 24 hour urine cortisol measurements, and weirdly, they are usually in the lower 25% normal range. So, who knows what is going on!

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