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More Symptoms Day After Eating Spaghetti?

Harm Blox

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I just want to warn people to be careful about associating a bad day with something they ate. I used to look at what I ate every time I had a bad day, and I could always find someone on this forum that had issues with that food. It got to the point I was afraid to eat anything. Eventually I found that what I ate was never a cause of bad days.

I am not saying that people might not be sensitive to certain foods, I am just suggesting to be careful before accusing a food of being the cause.

Feeling bad after eating a certain food does not show causation.

Small meals are better for most of us so it could be quantity rather than content if you notice a pattern with a food.

Sometimes we feel bad due to no known cause. Because of the unpredictability of our symptoms, it is hard even with an elimination diet to be sure it is the food that was the cause. And there is always the placebo effect to consider.

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I have an underlying neuromuscular disease that has sometimes caused high blood sugar the day after a big intake of carbs - I did a carb challenge to work it out (with the support of my GP, who lent me a glucometer). From there, I went to an endocrinologist who specialised in rare metabolic conditions, then on to a metabolic geneticist (who decided it was a neuromuscular condition), then finally to my current neurologist specialises in my particular illness, and who is providing the right treatment. Our symptoms can seem to make no sense, but the human body is completely logical - you just need to look for the logic. Good luck with working through it.

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I would recommend keeping a food diary if you think there might be an issue there. If you do this, also be sure to mark how your feeling in the diary so you can detect patterns. I recently found I am allergic to literal most all foods except for chicken, beef, and fish. However I don't have classic food allergy symptoms. I get migraines, joints, pain, upper and lower GI issues, and neurological symptoms. I was able to identify some particular culprits a couple of years ago before we even considered food allergies such as avocado, grapes, banana, cucumber, raw pineapple, and corriander/cilantro. I thought for a while it was when I ate high protein meals but after keeping a food diary, I found it was some of these less suspect ingredients. For example, it may seem like the spaghetti but is it really the tomato sauce? This is a very hard subject to tackle. It takes perseverance to truly identify what is causing the reaction. And as someone else said, it may not be the food itself but the amount you eat or the time you eat it. Hope you get it figured out.

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As Katybug said, it may be the tomato and not the pasta/gluten causing the problem. And if it is the tomato then there may be a whole bunch of related foods that might be causing you problems as well. Or it could be an additive in the sauce or onion or garlic or.... the list is endless. There are some tests that you can have run (ALCAT is one but there are others) that will give you an idea of what you may have sensitivities to if not outright allergies.

I keep suspecting that I may have food sensitivities but they are so inconsistent that I can't pin anything down. Am considering doing some of the specialized testing but it is pricey.

Good luck figuring it out.

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