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Migraine Not Like My Usual Ones


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I am having a really weird migraine right now. Uusually I get where I don't speak straight or think straight. But the one im having now started differently. It started with me feeling suddenly severely lightheaded I thought I was going to pass out. Then I couldn't see straight. Then I kept seeing blue flashes in the corner of my eye. Then my left hand went numb and the left side of my face went numb then the tip of my tongue tingled. That lasted about 30 minutes now I just feel disoriented, and getting the headache part. I feel disoriented and weak.

I have noticed that with my migraines, if my left hand goes numb I get the severe lightheadedness and blurred vision. If my right hand goes numb I get the slurred speech and trouble thinking and typing and nausea.

I hate getting these migraines so much. I have been trying to avoid a lot of food that could cause it. I have been avoiding anything with aspartame, trying to avoid msg, and I don't eat canned soups anymore. I don't know what I am doing that is causing this migraine now.

I have been eating low fat yogurts every morning this week and for dinner a couple times this week I have had the smart ones tv dinners but I don't know what could be causing this migraine.. I also avoid sodium nitrate.

What else should I be avoiding? I avoid chocolate and caffeine as well. What do you guys avoid that trigger migraines?

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I'm sorry your having such a hard time with your migraine. I can, unfortunately, relate. I do have a few food triggers like corriander,cilantro,avocado. But I also have another trigger that is out of my control...changing barometric pressure. I wish I had good suggestions for you but I find that not everything I do works every time. I do always find that an ice pack on the back of my neck and/or side of my face always soothing g when I have a migraine. Feel better.

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