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Predisone Question


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Does predisone build up in the body? I found out that it has the same affect on my son at a lower dosage. A good affect so far, but can it build up in the body? If so, What might be some of the side affects if this happens?

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I'm not sure if it builds up but if you want to know of major concerns using long term prednisone, I just discussed yesterday with the neuro that it can create adrenal insufficiency when you eventually come off of it because your adrenals have not been working (because they haven't had to.) The flip side of that is that the day before, my geneticist said she wants to test me for adrenal insufficiency, not because I took the prednisone, but because the symptoms that led up to taking the prednisone are sometimes an indication of adrenal insufficiency. She said she has seen dysautonomia patients who were hyperandrenergic who's adrenals finally said "I give up" because they had been in overdrive for so long.

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My understanding is that it has a longer lifespan (than, say, cortef) but not enough to build up. My Endo said 6hrs, so I take 1pill w breakfast and 1pill w dinner. I take it for adrenal insufficiency, but I have autoimmune problems so am hoping this recent switch from cortef to prednisone will be good for me. Oh my point was that since I take it to replace/support what my body is supposed to make, I don't expect negative side effects. But it's very low dose. 3mg total. If he's on a high dose, be SUPER careful about tapering off because it can result in adrenal insufficiency. Sorry if you already know this :)

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Predisone is a powerful drug with numerous side effects. Always take the lowest dose of Predisone needed. Look up the side effects on line. Long term use has some pretty scary side effects including Diabetes, bone thinning and fractures, thin skin and increased risk of infections. I know people who use it for Crones and Arthritis and have really struggled with the side effects, including getting insulin dependent Diabetes, but can't live without the drug due to the severity of their illness.

I am surprised they would prescribe it to a child since it can effect growth. I am surprised it is prescribed for POTS unless you son has something else they prescribed it for. Florinef doesn't have the side effects of Predisone, which is why it is one of the first drugs prescribed for POTS.

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I was on cortef (targets both receptors) for many years before switching "cold turkey" to prednisone last weekend. I had major problems with postural hypotension in the evening (when natural cortisol is lower). You're right-two different things. My understanding is that prednisone is more specific for, for example, autoimmune (anti inflammatory properties), whereas florinef is used for the postural hypotension in dysautonomia. Cortef for people with adrenal insufficiency. That's just in general, but everyone is different. Even while on cortef, I sometimes needed florinef.

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Tyler was taking 5mg of predisone a day but our doctor is raising it up to 10mg this week.

Last week very tiring due to all the driving time (300 miles round trip) M -W-F. RMcDonald house finally had a room available and we were able to stay Friday night. We will be able to stay here since the doctor has bumped Tyler up to 3 treatments a week. I started seeing changes in Tyler after he went down to 2 treatments. So the plasmapharisis was beginning to help with some symptoms. He will be doing 3 treatments a week for the next 5 weeks. If we see progress, I am hopeful that doctor will let Tyler stay on this schedual for a little longer before drop he drops him down to 2 treatments a week.

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