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Anyone Else Get Tremors?


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Have had tremors from time to time over the last few years but they've always passed after a few minutes and so I don't worry about them so much,

lately have had a few more than usual,this morning had them straight after getting out of bed,tried to record them for my Doc but obviously this proved difficult because I was shaking like a paint mixer,

managed to take my resting BP just as it was ending,was 122/56 HR 84,which to me is very high systolic and about average diastolic,heart rate usually at 76-82.

Could BP cause this? anyone had any experience?

PS tremors start between my neck and left shoulder,which is frozen and spread down both arms,and sometimes legs,there is no pain.

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Mine usually are do to something I ate. Not sure if it has to do with the nutrients or the acid it creates. Spinach salad for example makes my tremors worse. Junk food however makes me have none. Hard to eat good with this. Also I can't take any multi vitamins. Mine has also got better after I found out my iron was low and I stayed eating more red meat.

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Both of my hands tremor, left worse than right. Mine seem to be associated with my migraines, or at least get significant during my migraines (I have them at other times but they are slight.) Interestingly, I usually experience low bp with my migraines, which is kind of unusual, so I'm not sure if it's a function of migraine or low bp. But that's par for the course.....I've been spending a lot of time on the chicken or the egg theory. I have had at least one med, topamax, that made the tremors much much worse and also caused me to have random choking which would start with what felt like a tremor in the back of my throat.

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I have tremors any time I'm close to passing out but don't actually pass out because I get to lie down in time. I always have all the other fun symptoms before the tremors start too, headache, nausea, lightheadedness, extreme fatigue, and so on. My whole body shakes, I always get the question "are you cold?" even if it's 90 degrees because I'm shaking so bad. You can tell when I'm doing really bad because that's the only time I get my tremors, it can last anywhere from half an hour to a few hours.

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Mike, I get the same thing. It's just started in the past month around the same time I think I got dys. It goes on most of the day, but is worst in the morning, sometimes uncontrollable. Eating also sets tremors off, but not nearly as badly as simply waking up. Has me confused and concerned. I saw a neurologist and she doesn't know, maybe thinks it has something to do with Cymbalta discontinuation a couple of months ago, but it seems to me as though it's related somehow to what I think is Dysautonomia.

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My son has tremors and it most likely is related to high Cam kinese and dopamine levels. I was actually doing some research today and found a thesis on Cam Kinese and parkinsons disease. It was very interesting. Maybe the information will be helpful to someone else.


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I get tremors as well. Mine would appear to be related to high NE and dopamine levels. A number of years ago when the tremors first began I asked the Cardiologist I was then seeing why I was shaking so much and he said it's from high catacholamine levels. Basically an OI compensatory mechanism. The tremors I have used to be severe. The longer I tried to stand up the worse they got. In conjunction with the tremor came all the other OI symptoms, nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath etc. I did ultimately have supine and standing cat levels checked at Mayo and they were extremely elevated. Now that I am on Clonidine and Mestinon the tremor is significantly reduced but will return if I am upright for too long or am having a really bad day.


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Wow,okay so seems like this is a common trait among POTSies, saw my GP today and he gave me an interesting new device that attaches to the back of a smartphone and measures ECG through contact with fingers held on back of the phone for 30secs intervals several times a day,then reports goes straight to GP's office,going to see if low BP is effecting tremors.

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What an amazing device. I hope it provides some answers for you.

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