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Pots And Night Shift Work


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Just seeing if anyone has experienced this or might know what is going on? My worked schedule changed and I had to start night shift work. I was very anxious and thought I was going to have to quit my job. However out had given me a vacation from my health. My pots has disappeared. No more palpitations, no racing heart, no orthostatic intolerance, no problems emptying bladder, no dizziness, no acid reflux, no nerve pain in my feet, no gurggling guts. Still have a little anxiety. would life to know why so I can replicate itfor the days I am not working nights. Only other thing I notice is I retain water better when straying up All night.

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I can't tell you what's going on, but I have certainly experienced this.

I had to quit work a couple of years ago. However, prior to this I spent a decade in a job which entailed a 4am start. During the first few hours of the day I would feel fine, almost "normal". By 7.30am, though, my symptoms would start to kick in and I struggled.

Nowadays, although I can't work, I still have this early morning "window". This morning I was up at 6am and managed some chores. But by 7.30am, almost like clockwork, POTS descends and I retire to the couch. Sometimes I may be able to resume where I left off later in the day, most days I don't.

I call this welcome interlude my "Pumpkin hour". Remember how Cinderella had to get home by midnight before her coach disappeared and her magical world returned to more miserable times? Well my party frock is always back in the wardrobe by 7.30am :-)!

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I have almost always found I feel my best from about 4:30 PM to 11 PM, even when I was very sick, this was the time of day I might have been able to rally enough to be more upright, eat a good meal, take a shower, etc. I think a lot of POTS patients find they feel best later in the day. It must have something to do with diurnal fluctuations in certain hormones and/or better fluid retention later in the day. I always have felt my very worst early in the morning. Not sure that I have ever seen a definitive explanation for this.

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I have almost always found I feel my best from about 4:30 PM to 11 PM, even when I was very sick, this was the time of day I might have been able to rally enough to be more upright, eat a good meal, take a shower, etc. I think a lot of POTS patients find they feel best later in the day. It must have something to do with diurnal fluctuations in certain hormones and/or better fluid retention later in the day. I always have felt my very worst early in the morning. Not sure that I have ever seen a definitive explanation for this.

I have noticed I feel better at that same time of day, between 4:30 to 11:00 or so. I feel fine in the morning somehow, I can get out of bed with no problem. I could even drive to work with little problem. But around lunchtime, 12:30 to 1:00 is when I shut down. Today was a bad day at work, I was stuck my desk from 1:00 - 4:00. I managed to get up to go to the printer twice and I had to rush back to my chair pretty quickly. I didn't eat lunch til 4:15. It's so strange, it's like clockwork.

I had one really good day about a week or two ago where I felt the most normal I've felt in two years. It was a Friday (usually my best days because the stress of the work week is fading) and it was the day before my period started. I wonder how hormones play into POTS - there has to be something there. ;)

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