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Teeth/jaw "chattering"

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I have had this off and on for some time. I am more likely to have the issue trying to go to sleep. It has occurred at other times.

The last couple days I have had issues with it all day. My jaw muscles feel tight, and any motion triggers a chattering motion. For example, a swallow will trigger it.

Something else that might be related is as I transition to sleep I get twitching throughout my face.

Does anyone have any ideas about this symptom? This chattering is annoying. I wonder if it is not getting worse.

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I too get the chattering teeth. If I try to hold me teeth close together without touching they just sit there and chatter. I think it has to do with something affecting the nerves. I tried effexor and it made it alot worse. I also getting sensations along with the chatter sometimes and the only way I can explain it is it feels like I am opening my mouth really wide and biting on a big steel ball eventhough my mouth may be closed. pretty weird.

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This sound like something neurological (miss firing of nerve signals). Like something that just happens out of the blue that you have no control over. Have you taken anything different in supplements or medication? If it gets worse, I'd go see a neurologist. This has got to be annoying. Hope you feel better soon.

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This sound like something neurological (miss firing of nerve signals). Like something that just happens out of the blue that you have no control over. Have you taken anything different in supplements or medication? If it gets worse, I'd go see a neurologist. This has got to be annoying. Hope you feel better soon.

Thank you Rachel, it is annoying. Especially when your family starts noticing. It makes me wonder what else is going on.

Nothing different in medication. I had this start early into this, but it went away. Then it came back, but only when I was transitioning to sleep. Now it is here and hanging out.

For the first half of the day to day, it was not doing it. It is now.

I will talk to the Mayo neurologist about it when I go back next week.

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Sounds like a good plan.

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Good luck Gjenson! You sound like me where symptoms seem to come and go and then revisit just for ol times sake. I hope you can take a video of it so if it is not happening the day of the appt., you can show them what is happening. I found this helpful with my leg ataxia.

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I don't have chattering really, but I do have a weird thing where my jaw will just quickly snap shut really hard, smacking my teeth together. Some days it happens several times a day, somedays not at all. I figure it must be my nerves...like looneymom said, misfiring.

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Clenching jaws was one of my worst symptoms along with coat hanger pain, dizziness/vertigo and insomnia, when I was first diagnosed. I also have the inadvertent jaw snapping shut, too, like pink was saying, and other nerves making limbs jerk on occasion, but no teeth chattering unless I'm cold. My meds have helped with this, but it is still there. When my teeth were loose due to vitamin D3 deficiency, and I started having Invisalign to straighten them, I ended up with Trigeminal Neuralgia. That was the worst pain I've probably ever had; but since I'm on Gabapentin, it's a lot better, but still there. Hope you find a solution. Mayo is a good place to be; healing prayers!

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Raison, I do not seam to fit anywhere and I seam to fit in everywhere. At least I am in good company. It is a management problem when I am all over the place. I get real low HRs and real high HRs, for example. I do not want to lower my lows, but I need to settle my highs.

Pink I have never had my jaws snap shut. Maybe that is next. There is always something new.

Bellgirl, I get the limb jerking too. It is ore annoying than anything. It is funny when it is late and quiet and I startle myself though.

No I do not want any nerve pain near my mouth. If it is anything like bad toothache, I do not want anything to do with it.

I wish that I had went somewhere with a complete lab for a full work up, but we are not done yet. They found some things and are going to look into something that no one else did. We will see. At this point, I think I am ready to try to manage this better.

BigSky, I get it with the tremors to. I know when they are going to conclude because it always comes at the end.

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Bruxism is usually done in your sleep as well. Usually, you loose the enamel off of your teeth, as well. Dentists make plates to wear in your mouth at night to prevent this from happening. This is not associated only with dysautonomia either. Mine also isn't bruxism. Are you on any medication for this teeth chattering gjensen? I'm so much better on my meds!! I'm sure when you are through with Mayo, they will have a plan for you. Also find a doctor close to home who understands dysautonomia better, too!

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If you are not clenching or grinding, or resisting the tempation to do so, then it is not bruxism.

It may be a localized tremor, secondary to high levels of epinephrine and norepinephrine. Do other parts of your body feel tremulous, or do you feel jittery?

Unrelated, but SSRIs can sometimes cause dyskinetic movements like these.

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Raison, I do not seam to fit anywhere and I seam to fit in everywhere. At least I am in good company. It is a management problem when I am all over the place. I get real low HRs and real high HRs, for example. I do not want to lower my lows, but I need to settle my highs.

Yeah, I have had many many tests but no cause found as of yet. My new thing is my hands are aching pretty good now and extreme fatigue is setting in. I see a rheumatologist on Monday but my hopes are pretty low re finding the cause. I also have an anxiety that is so strong...it doesn't seem psychological but feels more like adrenaline surges. I feel like a cartoon character and I wouldn't be suprised if my arm just fell off or something! Lol. I don't go to the ER ever because I know they will have no idea what to do with me. At this point, I am actually waiting to see if something really obvious happens. For instance, if I grow a second head...then they will say" ahaaaa! It is second head disease! " tadaaaa!

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If you are not clenching or grinding, or resisting the tempation to do so, then it is not bruxism.

It may be a localized tremor, secondary to high levels of epinephrine and norepinephrine. Do other parts of your body feel tremulous, or do you feel jittery?

Unrelated, but SSRIs can sometimes cause dyskinetic movements like these.

No SSRIS for me, though I am considering one.

I am getting a little break from it, and it has only been situational today. Kind of funny when it is 95 degrees and someone asks you if you are cold.

I have not attributed it to high epinephrine or nor epinephrine. Early on I did, because I was in a pretty hyper state. I was also getting it after surges. Kind of like panic attacks where I was not panicking. I have not had any of them in some time. Knock on wood. Now I believe the two are unrelated.

Now it is most pronounced as I relax for sleep, or after a swallowing motion. Swallowing tends to trigger it. Especially after a deep swallow. It seams and feels neuromuscular to me. That does not mean it is. It is the best that I can describe it though.

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Raison, I do not seam to fit anywhere and I seam to fit in everywhere. At least I am in good company. It is a management problem when I am all over the place. I get real low HRs and real high HRs, for example. I do not want to lower my lows, but I need to settle my highs.

Yeah, I have had many many tests but no cause found as of yet. My new thing is my hands are aching pretty good now and extreme fatigue is setting in. I see a rheumatologist on Monday but my hopes are pretty low re finding the cause. I also have an anxiety that is so strong...it doesn't seem psychological but feels more like adrenaline surges. I feel like a cartoon character and I wouldn't be suprised if my arm just fell off or something! Lol. I don't go to the ER ever because I know they will have no idea what to do with me. At this point, I am actually waiting to see if something really obvious happens. For instance, if I grow a second head...then they will say" ahaaaa! It is second head disease! " tadaaaa!

That was hilarious. Mostly because I can relate. Like you, I have said that they will know when it is obvious.

I am quite familiar with the surges, and they are no fun. Knock on wood, I have not had one in a while.

I would like to know how the appointment goes with your rheumatologist.

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Bruxism is usually done in your sleep as well. Usually, you loose the enamel off of your teeth, as well. Dentists make plates to wear in your mouth at night to prevent this from happening. This is not associated only with dysautonomia either. Mine also isn't bruxism. Are you on any medication for this teeth chattering gjensen? I'm so much better on my meds!! I'm sure when you are through with Mayo, they will have a plan for you. Also find a doctor close to home who understands dysautonomia better, too!

Bellgirl, I appreciate your support.

No meds for it. Not now. Not yet.

I have dodged the meds for two reasons. Mostly I have bad reactions to what I have tried. Also that I was waiting on Mayo to get some kind of consensus. The neurologist there thinks that the autonomic neuropathy does not explain all of my symptoms. I am waiting on the results of some additional testing that I will get next week.

I dread the trip, but I a looking forward to getting it over with.

The local docs do not get it, and will not get it. I may do some more digging around. I may settle, because they do listen. It seams that they will do what I ask, as long as it is safe of course.

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A light bulb just went off for me, when you talk about your teeth chattering happening when you swallow, gjensen. I used to have a lot of trouble swallowing and felt like my food always had trouble going down my esophagus, too. That is a vasovagal response. Your vagus nerve is the largest nerve in your body going from your brain to all other organs, including your digestive tract. I bet it is connected to your teeth chattering, as well. Just a scientific theory of mine.

Also clonidine helps very well with adrenaline surges and high blood pressure for those with that issue.

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