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Not Feeling The Greatest...


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It started yesterday around 5:30ish or 6. My stomach started feeling weird and I had tummy troubles and I felt lightheaded all evening. I felt better then round 8. But then this morning I was lightheaded really lightheaded like feeling really disoriented like in a dream like state, and then I just keep feeling worse. more and more disoriented super tired, lightheaded weak and just plain blah. also feel anxious and moody. anyone else get like this? if so what do you guys do? I drank water a lot today and had a lot of salt and drank Gatorade today. nothing seems to work.

Also on a side note do any of you hear your heart beat in one ear and your head sometimes? I do a lot and sometimes it sounds like someone walking and I get scared a lot because I think someone is in the hosue when its just my heartbeat or something.

Also I just get so stressed out abuot feeling fatigued and weak all the time. I know I complain all the time but I just get so tired of not feeling well a lot. my parents don't believe me a lot because I complain a lot and I do get anxiety which makes symptoms seem worse than they really are .

I keep wanting to get something figured out but my mom says I cant run to the doctor for everything because they wont believe me but still I want to get something figured out. people kepe saying oh its anxiety . io do get anxiety but I aslo get symptoms andi get more aniety when I get symptoms. idk. this is all so frustrating. sorry I keep ramblinjg . I just need to vent!!

Thanks all for listening and feel free to ibox message me if ya want to chat.

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Sorry you are not feeling the greatest. It's quite a lonely place to be - especially when those around you can't fully comprehend it. I sometimes feel/hear my heartbeat in my head. I've never had a bad day as bad as yours. When I'm feeling really lightheaded I try to do some light exercises on a mat, it helps me, but, as I say, I only have mild symptoms in comparison to others. Hope tomorrow brings a better day.

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Hey thanks :) yea exercising does help :) I feel better today. Still lightheaded but that is probably from the weather changes. I probably needed sleep too because I didn't get to sleep until midnight the other night. And thanks :) it is a better day :)

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