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Brain Fog, Heat Flashes, Anxiety , Scary Symptoms. Need Ieas How To Cope


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I always have brain fog non stop. it happens 24/7 where I feel like I am in a dream and cant wake up. anxiety doesn't help the matter. I have anxiety issues and having brain fog gets me more anxious which causes more brain fog because im thinking about it too much. I get so scared that one day I am going to go crazy or go into a deep depression. I do not have depression problems but ever since I ended school I have been feeling depressed because I am not on a constant schedule. I have been feeling hot and cold off and on the past couple days my brain fog has been severe. I am now getting heat flashes this past 2 weeks. idk if its because I am due for my monthly friend today but I am usually a week late so my symptoms vary. but I am hot and cold severe brain fog, feeling depressed like my life is going knowwhere. can anxiety make dysautonomia worse? I get so nervous going to stores or anywhere with people. school was fine because I got used to that. if I get anxiety in a store I get so lightheaded I have to get out because im afraid im going to pass out. it never happened but it worries me. also I feel depressed because of not being able to go into a store that I will never be able to get a job, get a date, go on dates you get the drift. the store and dates are two separate things. I can't go to a therapist because it costs money and I have already been to them in the past. I still live at home and I don't have friends. I have one but I cant see her every day only every couple of weeks because she has a life unlike me she lives on her own drives and has a job. I just wish I can do those things. I just need to get over my anxiety. how do you all cope? im so stressed. right now I feel real hot my ears and nose are red and brain og and feeling a little depressed.

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This may not be the answer to all your issues, but it may help just a little bit...Go to Youtube.com and type in "Heal Thyself" It's a wonderful 30 minute meditation that helps you slow your breathing and calm your thoughts. Maybe the link will work...

Also, my cardiologist says brain fog is a response to a drop in blood pressure. Drink lots of water, extra salt and lie down to see if it clears. Maybe do these things and listen to the medication I mentioned.

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