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Starting At The Cardiac Rehabilitation Centre Tomorrow......

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I am a little nervous about starting this tomorrow....lol

I have always been a busy person and I still try to "pretend" that I am up to everyone else's speed. I do pay for it though.

This is what I am worried about, everyone who will be there tomorrow is in the senior category who have suffered with heart issues. I on the other hand am 35, with no heart issues other than the POTS. I was wondering if anyone else has gone through a program like this and how did you feel about it. I am very grateful for being selected to join,but leary. Will they expect more of me because of my age and not the condition. Here is my brain working overtime.....lol

And it doesn't help that for the past couple of days I have been symptomatic, I really hope tomorrow goes well.

Thanks for reading, even my venting post helps :)

I hope you are all doing well in this journey....

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I was in a similar situation, although about 10 years older than you when I went to cardiac rehab. I was still about 30 years younger than the average patient there though.

A cardiac rehab program, by definition, should be tailored to the specific patient's needs and health condition. In one way, yes, they may expect more of you because you are younger and because a younger heart can usually do more. However all the cardiac rehab programs I'm familiar with have you do testing to determine a safe level of exercise for you to start with. So, while they may theoretically expect more, if your testing doesn't support that then they will have you start where your testing indicates you should start. Also, they usually have a pretty set pattern of progression they have you follow for advancing your program. That was where I had some issues because I didn't follow the "norm" for them. They also had classes on diet and risk factors etc which weren't very appropriate for me as nothing fit my situation. The whole salt loading thing had them totally perplexed. LOL

I got some strange looks certainly from the other people there. Most people were preoccupied with their own stuff- just like other gyms. There were several who were very pleasant and wanted to talk so I usually chose to ask them questions and let them tell me about their experiences so I didn't have to try to talk while exercising since shortness of breath is one of my problems anyway. When they'd ask if I'd had a heart attack or surgery (the only 2 reasons they knew of for anyone to be there) I'd keep my explanations pretty short and divert the conversation back toward them. I think when you've had a major event like a big heart attack or open heart surgery it's scary enough that they were happy to keep talking about it. :)

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Good luck and hope everything goes well.


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