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High Bp, Is It Due To Flurinef


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Hello everyone. I have been taking flurinef for hypotension for 2 month now. Even with flurinef my sitting BP was 105/55, standing 95/55. Couple of days ago i noticed sitting is 115/70. Yeastarday night it went up to 140/90, went to ER all results normal and send me home. In morning i noticed once i get up BP shoots up. So before it would drop now it shoots up upon standing. This gives me so much anxiety, scary. Can it be flurinef or something else.

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I was on florinef for a bit over a year, and while I experienced occasional BP spikes on it (as high as 180 systolic), it was never a positional thing. In fact I can say that I had most spikes when lying down.

If you think that your medication is responsible (which could be given the fact that it may take a while for it to "do its job") I would suggest you talk to your doctor about your concerns and a possible dose adjustment.

Also, a BP of 140/90 is not exactly considered high, particularly if it's an isolated incident. Were you symptomatic with this reading?


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Me again,

just remembered - it took me a while to figure this out: most, if not all my florinef caused BP spikes happened when my salt intake the day before was higher than my "usual". It makes sense, given that florinef is supposed to increase your BP by facilitating the salt/sodium retention by your kidneys.

Good luck figuring things out.

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Hi, Gemma-- I've been on Florinef for 12 years. The first 9 years it made my blood pressure consistently very high, but I felt *so* much better, I didn't want to change it. The bp always went up when I stood up, and then kept going up until the top and bottom numbers started to move toward each other. After diagnosis/prescription at Vanderbilt, I didn't have anyone to treat my POTS where I lived, so I only went to a GP for checkups, and if she noticed that bp was too high, I just said it was "white coat anxiety." (Terrible, I know! I'm not advocating it! but she thought the POTS was all anxiety anyway)

A new GP eventually told me I couldn't run around with bps of 140/95-160/110 all the time, and he had me drastically lower the Florinef dose. Things have been really hard since then, but my bp has not been high. Last spring Dr. Grubb told me I could add an extra half dose every 3 days, and that's helped somewhat.

I stuck with the Florinef because I didn't know there were any other options; now I think there are a lot more options for treatment than when I was diagnosed. If you can't get Florinef to work for you, hopefully your dr. can help you find something else.

Sending good thoughts to you!

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I was on 0.2 mg florinef for about a year. It took me 2 months to wean off. I cut 1/4 of a pill every week because I was afraid of having to deal with problems with my adrenal glands, problems that can arise if you're discontinuing it too abruptly.

It's probably best to ask your doctor about a tapering schedule, rather than stop taking it all of a sudden, even if you've only been on a small dose and for a short time.

Also, for what it's worth if you've recently discontinued benzos, it may be best to wait a while before tapering off florinef - that is what one of my doctors suggested anyway. Benzos can mess up your HPA (hypotalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis, and florinef being a synthetic adrenal hormone can also have an impact on your adrenal glands.



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I honestly don't know why 140/90 would scare you? I would be fine with that reading, especially if it isn't constant.

BP can change quickly for even healthy people. If the BP reading scares you, it may go even higher. Nothing raises BP like anxiety. My dentist took my BP once and it was so high they didn't want to proceed with the procedure I was having done. (I hate the dentist) I said, wait a minute, took a deep breath, relaxed and had it drop 40 points.

A lot of things can cause BP to go up, I wouldn't jump to a solid conclusion it had anything to do with Flornief.

Maybe when you are weaning off, if you find taking 1/2 as much keeps your BP in a range you feel comfortable with, you can stop at that amount.

Did you feel any better during the two months you were on the med?

How often do you take your BP every day? Watching my BP jump all over used to cause me anxiety. I had to stop taking it.

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