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Augmented Postural Beta Adrenergic Activation - In English Please?


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I recently got a letter from the doctor handling my POTS explaining all of his official findings from my testing, so basically nothing. But one thing did sort of stand out to me, it says

"normal autonomic cardiovascular reflexes with augmented postural beta adrenergic activation"

does the augmented part suggest that part of the test was abnormal? or does that mean something else? hyper POTS was suspected in my case so I'm just curious as to what that bit means.

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to the best of my knowledge, "augmented postural beta adrenergic activation" is a fancy way of saying that your heart rate increased upon standing

The test for hyper POTS has to do with measuring your catecholamine levels (blood work) supine and standing, so you actually need to have your lying down and standing norepinephrine levels measured (some doctors do that during the TTT). A standing norepi level of over 600pmol/L is indicative of hyperPOTS.

I hope this helps.

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