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stopping aches and pains

Guest tearose

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Guest tearose

When I take an over the counter pain reliever I usually reach for tylenol or the generic tylenol. I don't understand why it makes me so sleepy. It really knocks me out! Does this happen to anyone else? I'm wondering if maybe I should try something else or it's just me.

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Since POTS I haven't been able to take any pain relievers they all make my symtoms worse. It makes me feel like I ate a bag of sugar. If I have any aches or pains I just live with it. Its not worth taking anything and feeling like a zombie the rest of the day.

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The active drug in Tylenol is Acetaminophen. My wife refuses to take any pain reliever as they all seem to give her very painful headaches. This includes Acetaminophen and Ibuprofin. I have never had her try Aleve. She is really against using any type of drug in the first place though. Her doctor told her to start taking a baby aspirin every day and we think that the little 81mg tablet is actually making her very sick at night as well.

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Thanks Just-me, we know Acetaminophen as Paracetamol in the UK.

This is really interesting, I suffer with terrible headaches, and always used to take ibuprofen or aspirin. I was recommended to avoid ibuprofen, and especially Aspirin as this thins the blood (Ibuprofen is not recommended for asthmatics as it can make them symptomatic) so I took the decision to revert back to Paracetamol, but it never seemed to take the edge of the headaches, so as I never experienced any problems with ibuprofen I reverted back to it (I would not take aspirin though, if this drug was found now it would never be approved for public use in the UK).

I can't say I remember any side effects with Acetaminophen/Paracetamol, but who knows - I do seem to remember it making me sleepy but thought this was associated with the headaches. Over the weekend if I suffer from a headache I shall take Paracetamol in the interests of science... I'm also spending the weekend with my in-laws, and if it makes me sleepy this may be quite a bonus. ( I love them really)

It may also be worth noting, that many brand name medications contain caffine, it's a fairly small dose (usually about the same as in a can of full fat coke) - the generic varieties usuallly don't contain caffine but just the drug - I'm unsure if this may affect headaches or problems in certain people??

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