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Still Classed As Pots?


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To the best of my knowledge the "criteria" for POTS is a sustained increase in HR during the first 10 minutes of assuming upright position. The BP fluctuations are not part of the diagnosis criteria.

Hope this helps.


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I just did a standing test,

Sat down was 120/60 hr 66

Stood up, after 10 mins it was 110/63 hr 90

My legs were slowly getting purpler as if they had blood been pulled into them and also my chest felt like not enough blood!

So really its not classed as orthostatic hypotension, my bodys adjusting normally when I stand its asif some of the constriction isnt working so it drops.

Meh, guess Midodrine will sort that maybe!

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That quick drop when you first stand up is called initial orthostatic hypotension and it's benign. I get it too and think I've had it since middle school (I almost always get lightheaded when I stand up). That was 10 years before POTS started and a lot of healthy people in my family get it as well. It confused the first doctor who saw my TTT results but another doctor told me it's actually not uncommon in young people, especially if they're tall and thin. I don't know if you fit that category but it's probably still a possibility. Here's some more info: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3029466/

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