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Hyper Pots And Beta Blockers


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I saw Beverly Karabin at Dr. Grubbs office this past week. She is pretty sure I have hyper pots, and some other issue going on and I will have two more tests to determine this for sure.

I am currently on metroprol along with a alpha blocker. She would like me to switch to another beta blocker. And eventually switch my alpha to clonodine. I know we can't give each other medical advice. But can people with hyper pots tell me their experience on bystolic or labetalol? She mentioned bystolic first and said this is the newer one and has the least amount of side effects, but that it is expensive, she said if it was too expensive she would probably suggest labetalol.

Well even with insurance bystolic is expensive, my husband said if it will help just do it. But if they are all about the same why not save 40 or 50 dollars a month on one subscription. and get the cheaper one. To be honest I am totally freaked about switching any of my meds, but know I have to try things.

Could hyper potsies here share there experience with these medications.

Thanks so much

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I'm on Bystolic, and it's great for me. I have hypertension, too, so I believe I would be catagorized as hyperPots. I have more trouble with my Sympathetic Nervous System compared with my Parasympathetic. I was on atenolol at first, and was too sluggish on this med, and my heart rate was 50 sitting down, so I can't imagine what it was sleeping, and I have sleep apnea, too, so that wouldn't have been good. I also take Lorsartan which is an angiotension antagonist for hypertension. It will eventually have a generic. Because Losartan used to be Micardis. I've almost been on Bystolic for 2 years...so I'm hoping soon they will have a generic. It keeps my Heart rate in the 60's, 70's and 80's depending on what I am doing. Sometimes when exercising, it will go too high, but I just watch for spikes and slow down on the elliptical machine. To me it's worth the money. Some pay that for a manicure and pedicure...it's all perspective!

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Kimbellgirl,You are right, the money is relative. Guess I just am questioning if this change will really make much of a difference. They are all beta blockers and I know each is different but wondered if this could really make a big change. I hate trying new things, I know I will never know unless I try , but I it seems like I have bad reactions more than good reactions to things. Sigh.

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Hi Joann,

I am taking Clonidine and Propranalol at present with significant symptom improvement and minimal side effects. I was prescribed Labetalol a few years back but experienced severe chest pain while on it and discontinued it quickly. I have never been on Bystolic. I have a very labile b/p.


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Hi Joann,

I was tried on many beta blockers for years. lebelatolol is fairyly safe drug, however, when it comes to hyper pots patients, It becomes then quite complicated. It made my flushing episodes worse, i had chest pains like janet, its an alpha/beta. I tried Bystolic and had very little benefit, also it's soo expensive. Unless your dr is willing to give you samples it becomes really pricey. Also. Like Janet, I currently take Inderal (Propranalol) as well as Clonidine. The difference Ive noticed off of the lebetalol has been siginifigant and I feel so much better

Good Luck.. keep up updated and I hope all goes well

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Sarah and Janet,

thanks for the info. I will let you know what I end up taking and how it works The thing is right now, like many of us, I have something else going on, my symptoms that are the worst may not even be pots related and i really want to concentrate on them and not add more possible problems with medication switching. This will sound so odd, but I cannot bend AT ALL without awful results, I also cannot lift almost anything with same results. I have had ultra sounds of abdomen and mri of middle and upper back, and while it shows some issues they say nothing that should be causing this. I went three weeks with avoiding doing pretty much anything and I felt ok, pots not very bad, of course, you cannot really live much of a life having everyone else do everything. This week I tried sitting and bending over to get some stuff off the floor and it is back to being extremely bad. Even sitting in certain positions will not trigger it. And it is not just pain, but all of the lovely bp issues and gi issues and ugh.. The "It" of course, is unknown. I know if the doctors figure this out, it will resolve a lot of my hyper pots symptoms too, as they usually happen at this time. But so far no one can figure it out!

I had this happen last year before my current medications, back then I didn't see the triggers as clearly so I was much much worse, but yet now the triggers are more intense when they happen. So I am worse when it is triggered but better in between because I think I am avoiding triggering it a little better. I actually had gotten somewhat better and for several months was able to bend but not lift things. Don't know what caused it to get better or what caused it to get worse. But I can't imagine the beta blocker switch helping this. And the thought of dealing with the possible side effects with everything else going on has me freaked.

It sounds like Clonodine is the thing that really helps the hyper potsies for reading all of your posts.

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Hi Joann


I'm so sorry you are dealing with something that is causing you such problems and has yet to be diagnosed. How frustrating for you.The "it' must be one of those elusive things that doesn't show up on standard diagnostic tests. Not being able to bend and lift without serious consequences is pretty frightening and limiting.

I can certainly understand your concern over starting a new medication and dealing with potential side effects. The unknown is always scary especially with regard to medication. And yes, Clonidine has been immensely helpful for me.

I hope you get some answers soon. Keep us posted.


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