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To Salt Or Not To Salt

Guest Alex

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CDC: Salt Intake Guidelines Were Wrong; No Great Benefit In Reducing Dietary Salt

A study commissioned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) — performed by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies — has found that there is no benefit of reducing salt intake to below one teaspoon per day. The report reviewed the health benefits of reducing salt intake, as salt consumption was previously considered a substantial health hazard, particularly to those with high blood pressure.



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Interesting article. Now I'm really confused. All I know is my son cannot be without salt. Monitoring his blood pressure hourly has helped me figure out when I need to give him salt. When I see a huge decrease, I know his blood pressure is getting ready to go low. Is there a connection between low blood sugar, adrenal fatigue, high heart rate and salt loading. I'm wondering if when the blood pressure gets too low, how it affects other systems in the body? I figure if I keep giving salt as needed it may be helping his body not to be more stressed with the POTS. Does this make sense? Don't have test results back yet. Feeling discouraged and frustrated but I know someone bigger than me is in control of all this nightmare.

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I've read a bunch of related posts here on dinet - some pointing towards the fact that too much salt can actually trigger an autoimmune response from the body so, yeah, Dave, should we "extreme salt" or not?

In my personal experience the extra or I should say the extreme salting made me worse - I had one hypertensive episode after another and I see no good reason to continue doing something that I found to be hurting more than helping.

If there is a connection between adrenal fatigue, high heart rate and salt loading? I believe so. The naturopaths that recognize "adrenal fatigue" as a real phenomenon definitely think these are connected. The mainstream medicine seems to be ignoring the "adrenal fatigue" as a real health issue though.

How does the low BP affect the other systems in the body? I believe the biggest danger of low blood pressure is organ damage due to insufficient blood supply/oxygen to them.


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I did increase my salt intake in the beginning of my flare. It was mildly helpful in temporarily increasing my BP. Truth be told once I tried Midrodine I found that worked so much better for me than salt/water. Overall, when I crave salt I use it, but once I stop craving it I hold off. Seems like once you have dysautonomia you seem to know what your body needs.

But I did try it as an option for symptom control. Helpful but not a solution for me.

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