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B-1, What Could Diet Changes Accomplish?


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Really interesting article. Shows how much a part diet plays into things. I have a feeling B1 will be something that a lot of others will soon be trying. Just keep in mind that it could potentially ramp up the sympathetic system ----some will have paradox reactions and each person will react differently. Always go low and slow.

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Good article.

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Excellent article and a LOT in there for me. I'll need to read it a few times to take it all in.

I'm wondering if when they refer to 'simple carbohydrates' they are including fruits and vegies and milk as well as the nasties such as soft drink (soda -- sugar flavoured water), lollies (candies) and that sort of rubbish.


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That's some pretty awesome research. It definitely looks like thiamine deficiency is one cause of dysautonomia.

The trouble is, I checked my multivitamin and it provides 1667% daily value of thiamine, so I don't think that's the issue in my case. It could have been a childhood deficiency that led to long-lasting problems, though?

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There is another forum that I'm on that is talking about this. The doses that most are using with results are any where from 300 to 1500 mg. So, with some - it is a lot higher than with others.

I'm a low-fat vegan and since starting my diet a little over 6 mo. ago ---my POTS is greatly improving. I have also been on 250 mg of B1, but not daily. My diet is naturally high in B-1 because of rice, beans and green tea. So, just thinking there is a connection with this. I'm not well ---but, better then I have been in years.


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I just looked it up and in Australia recommended daily intake of thiamine is 1.1mg. (seems low going by the numbers issie and carrie are on? But I've checked two sites.

I'm get 20mgs thiamine in my vitamin tablet each day.

According to the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in it's Elmination Diet Handbook people with food intolerances and medical intolerances should avoid megadoses and also, btw, PABA -- which are found in some vitamin tablets, apparently.

When I spoke to my allergist a few years ago about taking megadoses of vitamin c in an effort to help with constipation/colonic inertia she told me not to do it, that I could have a reaction.

So, guess I'll have to be careful about upping vitamin BI.


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I don't take B-1 daily. But, I do have a good bit of it in my diet with the type of foods that I eat. I used to believe in mega vitamins - but, have since changed my approach with this. God gave us food to support our bodies. If we put the right things into our bodies and get it to working at it's optimum - then we will probably need far less then these mega doses. Anything we put into our bodies has to be used/discarded. If there is a dysfunction in the body - things won't be utilized properly. That's probably why such high doses are needed for the results to be seen.

We have the power to take control of what we do/take in to our bodies and that just may be the key to it working better. The hard part is making ones mind up that you will do it and then following through with that decision.


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I read your article again. I started thinking about what the cardiologist said at my son's last visit. I asked him about giving my son another b complex vitamin. He said as much fluids as my son is drinking it would be wise to make sure he is getting the b complex throughout the day. So I looked at some more articles online and have come to the conclusion that you might could flush what you need out of your system.

My son drinks 2-3 liters of water and Gatorade a day. He does not have a good appetite even though he is getting 45mg of iron. His iron storage levels are fine but binding compactly is just barely in range. B vitamins also play into this role.

Dr. Oz had a show on vitamins about 3 weeks ago. He said to find a multivitamin with just A.B,C,D, and E vitamins with 100% of the daily allowance. Take half the vitamin in the morning and half in the afternoon. So your body will get what it needs in the afternoon. The only problem is that D vitamins do not absorb into the body with b vitamins.

This article makes more sense now to me. If this is part of the link, then those that are drinking fluids will need to make sure they are not flushing this vitamin out of their system. Thanks for finding this article. Glad you are making improvement Issie.

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I find this interesting based on my own experience. I was taking B12 because we know I'm low on that but then I read an article about a year ago saying that many people are deficient in many B vitamins, not just B 12 but docs don't test the others. So, I switched to a B complex. Felt a little better. Then, I came across a product the combines a B complex with high dose CoQ10. It has been the single most helpful change I've made both in supplements and/or prescription meds. I still have hypersomnia, but during my hours when I don't feel like a hypersomniac (if that makes sense), I feel like I have a much better quality of the energy I have. The proprietor of the product claims you need CoQ10 and B complex together to get the most bio-available benefits from them. I don't know if it's scientifically true, but I've taken both separately, and I have personally found taking this blended supplement to be most effective for me.

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I have wondered about the CoQ10. The multivitamin I was giving my son had this in it. I can no longer buy this multivitamin. I thought about buying the CoQ10 by itself but it's as much as a prescription. Do you take this in the morning Katy? I might just go ahead and get some for my son. Maybe try it for a month and see what happens. I'll goggle and look up it's benefits. Thanks for mentioning this.

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I take it in the morning. It's called Coenzyme Q10 200 sold by Andrew Lessman exclusively on HSN. It has more CoQ10 than most brands per pill plus the B complex so it's a good financial value. Plus it is "clean".... no gluten, fillers, preservatives. And since it's combined it gives me one less pill to take.

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