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Blood Pressure

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My son's blood pressure is more stable now but I can tell a difference because of changes being made in his medication and salt intake. His blood pressures used to spike and then drop really low when sitting up right. Are you monitoring your blood pressure more? For my son, I'm making him a homemade Gatorade mix. It is higher in sodium but potassium is the same as what is in Gatorade. Be sure to drink you fluids and watch your electrolyte levels if you are outside.

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My blood pressure fluctuates a lot, but loves to drop down by at least 10 but almost always more than 20 when standing. I can go from a nice 105/64 sitting to 85/50 standing, and if i wait just long enough, it'll creep down much further. Sometimes it doesn't budge much at all though, depends on how I am that day :/

And unfortunately, if my sitting bp is already low into the 80s/50s, my bp can drop to 75/40 or lower. Just depends

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My diastolic blood pressure dropped by about 15 on my first tilt table test, but recently my POTS doctor did a poor man's tilt and it rose slightly. I am told that blood pressure fluctuations of all kinds are a POTSy thing/related to dysautonomia.

I recently got tested for neuropathy, still waiting to get my test results back but it is my understanding that these things can result either from neuropathy or a general dysfunction in the autonomic system. I still have a hard time understanding it but I don't think any dysautonomia symptoms specifically point to neuropathy, you have to get tests for it.

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When I woke up yesterday I got up and took my bp and pulse (i'm tracking them as I may need bp medication and need readings to give to my doc).

When I woke up my bp was 128/82 and pulse was 94 (it's usually just over 100 - 110 but I was delayed in taking the readings as I was waiting for a delivery).

Later in the morning I got quite potsy -- dizzy, brain fog, the anxiety that I've been experiencing almost continuously lately got worse, sweating, flushing, a break ththrough migraine at a moderate pain level -- I had to take a breakthrough pain killer med, just generally feeling unwell. I tried to do some stuff in the kitchen and this made it worse.

Took my bp and it was 153/98 and pulse rate was 93 (usually my pulse rate during day on a good day is under 80. Resting pulse rate is usually 72 but has been higher lately. I think this reflects the anxious state I'm in most of the time lately).

Later on, feeling a bit better, I walked to my daughters place (about 20 minutes at a slow walk)to mind my granddaughter while daughter went to supermarket. I still had some pots stuff going on -- it's rare that I don't have some symptoms but I'm at a functioning level when like this. my dizziness was minimal, migraine barely there and coming and going, just felt very tired, mostly.

Walked home very slowly and further I walked the slower I got as I had started to feel very potsy again. Migraine returned to a mild level, I was dizzy, flushing, finding it hard to stay upright. My feet felt like they were made of cement and I could barely lift them -- was doing what I call my pots march which means I was trying to lift my feet from my knees sort of as I walked. Lots of brain fog and became extremely exhausted. I had to climb the four steps to my front door and could barely get there. Moving like the 80 year old I feel like. (I'm also used to climbing stairs as I have a flight of 16 stairs in my house which I climb many many times a day.

I took my bp and it was 157/92 and pulse rate was 109. At the rate I'd walked a 'normal' person would not have a raised heartrate at all, or only very slight. At least mine wouldn't have been so high in the 'good old days.'

Had a rest and cooked hubby and myself a very very quick easy meal. My bp never did go back down to anything normal until I woke this morning.

I felt wired but tired all night. finally went to bed about 11pm and woke every hour or hour and half. I'm exhausted. Sleeping for more than an hour and half before waking is becoming extremely rare. hence I'm always tired.

At 6 am I fell asleep and woke a full 2 hours later. Feeling a bit better but had to medicate for mild/moderate breakthrough migraine that is not going away completely. I had the migraine most of the night but have learned not to medicate for night time migraines as medication will not work for some reason. Doctors have no answer for that.

This morning was 124/86 and pulse rate was 94 but this was about an hour after I got up from bed so not a 'true' normal reading. My pr would have normally been higher.

It's noon here now in Australia and migraine has migrated to both sides of my head but is still mild/moderate level. Not severe. Medication did not help. I'm also feeling too hot (it's winter in Australia) and brain fog is strong, I'm being very forgetful and constipation is worse today. I've been resting for past couple of hours in armchair with feet elevated.

My bp is now 146/95 and pulse rate is 82. I'd expect an elevated bp with a migraine but taking a painkiller should mean that bp goes down. So maybe reading is lower than it would have been had I not taken the painkiller????

A regular sort of day for me, lately.


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I have a very labile blood pressure which can be anywhere between 80s/50s to 200/110. I definitely feel the most potsie with the lower end b/p numbers but can still have pretty significant pots symptoms with any of the other numbers in between as well. I do have a diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy but that diagnosis does not always accompany a pots diagnosis and a fluctuating blood pressure. Autonomic reflex testing would have to be done to make that determination.


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If you google or do a search for autonomic neuropathy a number of different sources of information on the subject will be available. The extent and severity of impairment is dependent upon how limited or extensive an autonomic neuropathy problem you have.

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