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Another Post Got Me Thinking...

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I just read a post about feeling feverish which has led me to wondering about a rather odd symptom/affect of my dys.

Since 2010 when it all started I have not really been sick except for one brief bout of the stomach flu. No colds, fevers, congestion, fever blisters etc... I was a public middle school teacher before I had to leave due to dys, I was sick at least once every year. I have mentioned this to my doctors saying I can't seem to even run a fever and they always say well that is something good...but it is nothing like the way my body acted before. Thoughts???


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I am right there with you. Since the onset of my POTS /MCAS /eds symptoms, I have not been "sick" once in 6 1/2 years. I get the same reaction you do...."be thankful, you don't need anything else." But, I find it strange that with all the doctor's offices I go to and how many sick people I'm exposed to, I haven't gotten a cold. I used to get them all the time. My immune system checks out OK on paper but I definitely think there is some mystery there.

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My experience is similar.

I have low white blood cell count, particularly lymphocytes. It would seem like I should be sick all the time because of it. But I never get sick with a cold, flu, etc.-- it's been at least 10 years since I can remember being sick in that way.

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Wow..thanks to all who shared! We all notice things that seem so unimportant during doctor visits. Again, I wish we could all have one afternoon with a panel of doctors listening to some of these issues. Maybe hearing group similarities would make an impression...or get the wheels turning!

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I'm the same... during the worst of this POTs flare in 2012 I went months without a fever blister; of which I used to be triggered by stress or lack of sleep. And definitely in a flare I was both. I haven't had a cold/virus since this entire flare started and I had low C3 complement test which I interpreted as having a lowered immune system. I would think I might be more susceptible. The only thing I can think of is my nutritional habits might be saving me....I'm a pretty clean eater with the exception of a little chocolate and my occasional weekend beers!!

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