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Hi all,

Long time, no see! I'm wondering if anyone has some advice/sympathy...

I sprained my ankle over the weekend and I'm using crutches now. It's super hard on my POTS. Any of you experience this before? I feel like I have very little upper body strength or balance, and using the crutches aggravates all my symptoms and makes the rest of my body hurt more than the injury. :unsure:

I've at least figured out what to replace my normal exercise routine with--aqua aerobics--but I don't think I can do crutches for several weeks. I'm a little unclear on how long I'm supposed to use them...I was getting foggy when the orthopedic was telling me things. I know I'm supposed to wear my brace for two to three weeks, but I feel like maybe I can quit the crutches earlier than that. The office won't call me back. Bah.

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I'm just recovering from a severe back injury that had me on crutches for two months on and off (before I progressed to a wheelchair). It was horrible to be on crutches. They force you into a position that is almost completely upright so you can't do any of the little adjustments you do with pots to keep from getting so dizzy/tachy. You're right...they take tons of strength to use and wore me out completely. I would be exhausted just walking to the car.

I don't know how long you should use them for a sprain. I broke my ankle once and it was 6 weeks, but that probably doesn't help much. Sorry about your ankle. I wish had more info but know that I empathize with you; they really are uncomfortable.

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Typically with ankle sprains these days, especially if you have a good brace, most docs aren't keeping people on crutches very long any more. In very severe injuries it is different but for most general ankle sprains, most docs, at least in this part of the country, are getting patients off crutches within a few days. That's been my experience anyway with a lot of the patients I've seen plus having multiple kids and their friends and teamates with LOTS of ankle sprains.

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