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Which Pots Meds Are Safe To Mix With Benzos?


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As I have mentioned before, I am currently taking clorazepate, a benzo drug similar to Klonopin, to manage my symptoms. It really does nothing for my HR or BP but it does help me to feel better. I am in the process of weaning off, but it is a long process because if I lower too quickly I get bad symptoms.

My doctor wants to get me started on some new meds that might help me. He mentioned Florinef and Propranolol specifically. Does anyone know if these are okay to take with a benzo drug, or has anyone actually taken this mixture? I know Propranolol is a beta blocker so I was wondering if that would be really sedating on top of a benzo. I do NOT need to be any more tired haha

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I was on Klonopin for about 1 year. During that time I had also taken various POTS meds: florinef, propranolol, mestinon, midodrine and citalopram. To the best of my knowledge they are all OK to be taken with benzos. The propranolol (10 mg bid) made me pretty sluggish in combination with the klonopin, and it also interfered with my sleep (most betas are known to give some insomnia, vivid dreams and such, and propranolol in particular since it crosses the blood brain barrier). I only had sleep issues though once I came off the klonopin ...it could have been withdrawal, or the propranolol at play there ...now that I'm 3 months off klonopin and 1 month off propranolol my sleep is back to normal.

If you go to www.drugs.com, they have a drug interaction checker and you can list all the drugs you're taking to see if there are any possible troubles.

I hope your tapering off the clorazepate is as uneventful as possible.



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I believe the 2 most commonly prescribed betas that cross the blood brain barrier are propranolol and metoprolol - I tried them both.

Also, I believe all betas are known to decrease the nocturnal release of melatonin, that's why they can cause sleep disturbances in some people. (there are drs who like to prescribe betas along with melatonin to prevent the sleep issues). As a side note - I tried melatonin but my blood pressure got too low (8x/5x) so I discontinued it - lowering one's BP is one of the side effects of melatonin.


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My son takes florinef with midodrine. He takes the florinef in the morning only and I never noticed it making him tired. Last night was his first night being totally off the clonsapam. I thought I would see more side effects but so far so good. He was much more alert today.

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